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Fly Tying

Bronze Mallard - Practice Feather Substitute

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I'm working on the historical ways of tying bronze mallard wings on Spey flies. Specifically reversed tied and folded back.  Riding high and swept back above the body and not close to the fly body as is modern practice. Good bronze mallard feathers are not cheap or easy to come by. I don't want to waste what I have on hand for practice.  There are a lot oops and waste. Below is pic of the wing style I'm working on.  Still want the upside-down keel with a bit of separation of the left and right side. 

Are there good alternate feathers that I can used for practice that is both readily available and not costly? I might have it in my material inventory just don't know the best place to start.



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Very cool Spey fly, sourcing good materials is half the battle.   I wonder if you could use some turkey?  I know guys use it for tying Dee wings.  

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I have Merriam Turkey flats that I thought about using but again, good ones are spendy and hard to get. I'm going to have to bite the bullet and go with what's at hand.  Just take my time and move with purpose.  Think it through.

My son is a turkey hunter so I may be able to get good feathers.  Focus on technic first I guess.

With everything moving to internet sales you don't get to look and see the feathers in person.  It's a crap shoot.  The stores and most the staff of the stores that I built relationships with (including internet) are disappearing.   Much like this site. I tied several times to respond to your input but alas many attempts went south. Like my fly tying. :)

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