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Fly Tying

July Flies From the Vise

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Flytire, thanks for posting Polly's Pride.  Somehow I had missed this.  He is a big deal in the pnw history.  A,so McMillan Winter's hope.  I got to see one of the originals when Mark Noble had his shop.

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CK Nymph

Hook - Curved style
Thread - Black
Body - Dubbed with black lamb's wool
Legs - Grizzly saddle hackle tied closely over the body palmer-style and then clipped

Originated by Chuck Kraft. The saddle hackle is clipped all around the body. As a rule of thumb, a size 10 hook would have legs extending out about the diameter of a pencil.

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

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Fire Fly

Louis Melanson

Hook - 4X long streamer, no. 2 – 6
Thread - Black
Tag - Oval gold tinsel
Rib - Oval gold tinsel
Body - Scarlet floss
Wing - Bright red feathers, two on each side, back-to-back
Collar - Bright red cock hackle

Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner

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Pats rubber legged woven with different color of chenille.  Also with a bead head, but the wide hole put on first so it goes lover some of the front thread wraps. 




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L’Enjoleuse - The Bewitcher

Alain Charette

Hook - Single or double salmon
Thread - Black
Tag - Fine oval gold tinsel, fluorescent green floss
Tail - Lemon green saddle hackle fibers
Butt - Black ostrich herl
Rib - Medium oval gold tinsel
Body - Silver tinsel
Throat - Lemon green saddle hackle fibers
Wing - 1 strand fluorescent green floss & red squirrel tail

I used Google Translate. Blame Google - not me. 😁

I mixed yellow and green hackle fibers for the tail and throat. The fish won't mind.

Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner

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A friend needed an emergency bunch of gold Murdich Minnows. I tied these up for him and will get them in the mail today. 

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Pats rubber leg variations, non led barbell eyes on two and bead heads on the others.  Woven bodies from chenille. legs are 1/2 of the round rubber bands found in the hair care at "Dollar Tree"





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Blue Partridge North Country Spider

Jim Wynn

Hook - Wet fly

Thread - Blue silk

Body - Heron fibers or substitute

Thorax - Peacock herl

Hackle - Hungarian partridge

Head - Peacock herl

From a Robert Smith YouTube video. Note in the video Mr. Smith used blue silk thread to tie the fly but colored the thread black with a marker.

I don't tie using silk thread so I substituted with white thread and a blue marker

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3 hours ago, MuskyFlyGuy said:

emergency bunch of gold Murdich Minnows.

I need half a dozen Murdoch minnows stat! Well done 

@flytire that spider came out really nice, 

@rickzeiger  I like your Variations on the Pat’s rubber legs.  I know some panfish who would be interested in those.  

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psst ShushShutUpGIF.gif

i used gray condor feather fibers from a tiny segment that i bought way back in the 1980's when i lived in colorado

heron is illegal i the usa but you can buy a different species of heron from canada that is legal

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Norm is right...Blue Heron is illegal in the USA. But the Little Brown Heron is legal for import from Canada.
I have some I bought from The Canadian Tube Fly Company ages ago. It really is quite good and has lots of uses.
They are on their summer vacation shutdown at the moment. You can place an order, but it will not be shipped until the 3rd week of August.

Another possible feather is the secondary from the blue goose. If you know a waterfowl hunter from the Midwest try talking to that person and you might get lucky. Those feathers I have are a perfect sub for a quill body that calls for Blue Heron. If I can find mine among the loads of stuff here...I'll post a photo.

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Deer hair Bugs

HOOK: Predators 2/0; 4/0

Tail: buck tail, saddle hackle, flash, marabou 

Skirt: Deer hair

Body: multiple colors stacked

Eyes: holographic 

Legs: rubber


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