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Fly Tying

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Tied this one last week, it’s not perfect but I’ve  got an aunt Kate with a cottage and I might send it her way.  


Above is the recipe from the Salmon Fly. For anyone interested many of the well known Salmon Fly books are available free on the internet archive.  Lots of other, more modern titles available for borrowing digitally.

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Really enjoy seeing your flies. I'm not in your league, and probably never will be, and I'm okay with that. But between you, and SalarMan, and Norm, and the other numerous, great fly tiers on this site, I have gained a greater appreciation of the meaning of "a properly tied fly". 

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Thx @Niveker, I take it as a high compliment being mentioned along with those two incredible tiers. That said,  with the right materials, your dry fly ability would likely lead to a beautiful result. A great deal of patience is the key to a good result.  Greorge has mention many times how he will go back to redo an element or start from scratch. It happens and it’s up to you how you handle it.   

A huge factor is sourcing the materials and right quality of the materials.  This becomes a hobby all on its own. Luckily, like any part of the fly fishing world, it leads to meeting some incredible people. 



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