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Fly Tying

August Flies From the Vise

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Royal Governor I 1080.JPG

Royal Governor I

Hook - Wet fly

Thread - Black

Body - Peacock herl, red floss, peacock herl

Hackle - Brown

Wing - Hen pheasant quill

Wet Flies - Ken Sawada


Royal Governor II 1080.JPG

Royal Governor II

Hook - Wet fly

Thread - Black

Tag - Gold tinsel

Tail - Brown

Body - Peacock herl, green floss, peacock herl

Hackle - Brown

Wing - Cock pheasant tail

Wet Flies - Ken Sawada


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6 hours ago, flytire said:

i bought a 30 pack of feathers from etsy 15 left 15 right

Those are quite nice,  I got a few pairs of wings but I do like how those are all sized the same.  

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Mason 1080.JPG
Hook - Wet fly
Thread - White under floss body; Black head
Tag - Silver wire
Tail- Blue duck or goose strips
Body - White floss ribbed with silver tinsel
Hackle - Dark blue
Wing - Married strands of blue, white and dark blue quills
Wet Flies - Ken Sawada

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Neverfail 1080.JPG


Hook - Wet fly

Thread - Black

Tail - Brown

Rib - Silver tinsel

Body - Dark brown floss

Hackle - Brown

Wing - Slate duck quill segments

Perrault's Standard Dictionary of Fishing Flies - Keith Perrault

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Sneaky 1080.JPG


Hooks - TMC7999 or DA12441, sizes 4-10

Thread - Red

Tail - Orange bucktail

Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel

Body - Dubbed with fluorescent orange lamb's wool

Hackle - Black hen hackle barbs tied in at the throat and extending to the point of the hook

Wing - Sparse orange bucktail tied low over the body

Topping - Stands of peacock herl

Authors Note

Mike and Bob Boudreau of Montreal, Canada, originated this pattern in 1992. They have found it to be successful on all of the rivers where it has been used. Mike wrote to me, stating, "The fly has proven to be a great success (actually a bit too successful, you can be off the river early with this one if you are not careful)." During low-water conditions they also tie this fly on fine wire (low-water) hooks down to size 12.

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

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Petite 1080.JPG


Hooks - TMC7999 or DA12441, sizes 4-10

Thread - Black

Tip - Lower half, oval silver tinsel; the upper half, yellow floss

Tail - Golden pheasant crest feather

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel

Body - Black floss

Hackle - Sparse teal blue hackle barbs tied in at the throat

Wing - Yellow over red over yellow bucktail. The wing should be kept very, very sparse

Raymond Pelletier of Matane, Quebec, originated this pattern in 1974

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

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Preacher 1080.JPG


Hooks - TMC7999 or DA12441, sizes 4-10

Thread - Black

Tip - Fluorescent orange floss

Tail - Golden pheasant crest feather

Butt - Fluorescent red floss

Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel

Body - Dubbed with black lamb's wool

Wing - Dyed black squirrel tail tied low over the body

Hackle - Black tied on as a collar and tied back

Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson

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Loop Wing Emerger 800.JPG

Loop Wing Emerger

Hook - Curved

Bead - Silver lined glass bead
Thread - Olive
Shuck - Olive antron
Ribbing - Gold wire
Body - Tying thread
Wing - White antron
Thorax & Collar - Peacock herl

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Klinkhammer hook, non lead dumbbell eyes,  feather barb tail and dubbing brush wound for body.

sometimes panfish want heavier flies. 



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Some Spey attempts

Salmon iron #1

Tag: gold mylar

Abdomen (body) silk floss (Ovale)

Rib: Embossed gold french

Counter rib silver wire

Thoarax: bright orange FC real seal

Hackle: pheasant

Front hackle teal

Wing Bronze mallard



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Klinkhammer hooks, various feather barb tails, bead head or bead chain eyes, various materials for abdomen and wingcase,

dubbing for thorax, duck body feather wound thru abdomen   crappie on left fly in 3rd picture.






Crappie 8-29.JPG

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