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Anyone have an email provider you like?

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I have a Verizon email but they stopped email service and transferred their email accounts to AOL. Also have a gmail. No complaints with either other then they are a little clunky. I also have a Microsoft outlook account through work but I understand you can get a free personal outlook account through the Microsoft website. Outlook is so much more appealing to the eye and user friendly with a great calender feature. I believe it is hands down far and away superior to AOL and Gmail. Full disclosure, I have a general obsessive hatred of all things email and users who wield email as a sadistic weapon to bog down my workday. So this recommendation is coming from a guy who does his best to avoid email and scold those who lean on it.

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8 minutes ago, Poopdeck said:

Full disclosure, I have a general obsessive hatred of all things email and users who wield email as a sadistic weapon to bog down my workday. So this recommendation is coming from a guy who does his best to avoid email and scold those who lean on it.


I'm not a fan of email either but at least I can keep emails and look up stuff later.  Otherwise, I just consider it a PITA.

I have a problem with all things Google because they track EVERYTHING but they do seem to work well enough.  I have a gmail account that I don't use except for the Google Play Store.

I used AOL for years then switched to Hotmail/Outlook.  Microsoft is fairly safe I think/hope but I really don't fully trust anything on the internet.  Unsubscribe and delete are my most used features of email.

I check my email maybe two or three times a week.  I put in an auto reply rule that sends an email telling folks to text me if they're in a hurry but I don't include my phone number.  If they know me well enough they'll have my phone number.  If they don't have my phone number then they know it might take a while before I reply.  I don't get many texts.

Thanks for the replies everyone!

In the words of Rodney Norman, "Have a super freaking awesome day!" 😁

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AOL.  We take advantage of the free/low cost benefits of AOL and due to that, it works well for us.  I've got my "E-mail Preferences" set to "contact only", so I don't get anything spam-like on it.  At work, we have an internal system linked to ".edu", so I don't get much garbage on that either.

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Free hotmail.com for years. It is now outlook but still answers to hotmail.com for use early subjects. I've had and used this for so many years I'd hate to change now in my senior years. I also have a gmail acc't I check and delete a bunch of junk every now and then, plus a yahoo acc't which I probably should look at one of these days.

What I have found over the years is that almost every scam and con game that has come at me uses gmail. I don't know why this is unless it's easy access and easy to get multiple names but the gmail has been consistent in it's use by scammers. I know a lot of people are legit but just my experience. Another thing I like about hotmail.com is that when I make the mistake of giving out my email to one of those sites that then sells it a hundred outfits selling crap I can throw a block the sender on them and not have to deal with them again. They go right junk mail and that saves me a lot of BS.

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Yeah, I use the blocking feature of email and texting/messaging.  Usually unsubscribe is adequate for businesses but a couple of old friends (?) have become obsessed with sending political garbage to their contacts constantly.  Even their families have complained about them.  I asked them two or three times to quit gaslighting me then blocked them, not that they care.  Maybe I'll unblock them next year some time ... maybe.

Thank goodness for tools like block.

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