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Fly Tying

Back on track

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Bit of an update on how things are progressing. Things are going extremely well. Have managed to stick to the workout schedule of 5 days/week, lifting for 3hrs a day M-W-F and 2hrs a day Tue and Thurs. The 3hr days are 1hr in morning doing trap bar carries outside, then 2hrs of lifting in the evening. Then Tue & Thurs are 2hrs in the evening lifting. MWF is upper body and Tue&Thurs is back & legs.

Been lifting hard for over 2 months now and seeing some real progress finally. Had to up my calories to about 3500 but now after 2 months I've gained 4 lbs, my waist is still the same so not gaining fat at all, and I'm managed to increase my arm size by almost a full inch in size so far. Surprisingly I have only missed 2 days of working out in the past 2 months of 5 days/week lifting. Still feel real good about my workouts and look fwd to them still.

I turned 53 yrs old 2 days ago and honestly I feel the best I have felt since I was in my 20's.




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