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Fly Tying

Let's talk about Christmas Fly Box Swap

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Got a fantastic set from Steve. You may have felt rusty tying those but it sure didn’t show. They are some beauties 

thanks also to Nick for the extra box and for hosting again, and to Norm for fantastic set.


Merry Christmas everyone!

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Merry Christmas, I opened a nice box of flies from North Caddis and a few from Norm with some materials. Thank you, Nick, for this and the past years Christmas swap. Hope to get a few wet before the new year!

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Got a great set of saltwater fish catchers from WMW4. Thank you! They will be put to good use. 

And of course Vic, thank you for the freebies. I am consistently growing my Squimpish hair collection through the Christmas swaps. 

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To me this swap is not just an exercise or ritual.  With that, I got to thank you guys. Yeah, you @Woodenlegs and Mr. Nick (@vcrider) himself.  No really. 

The days of me standing in a river and waving a wand may have passed.  Snotty rocks and all.  I miss it greatly.  Yet I got to keep doing.  So still-water is my next adventure.  There is a lot of good still-water around me.  From foothill to sub-alpine to alpine lakes.  Full of my favorite quarry (trout) if you will.  I have the canoe and kayaks (just need to get my fat butt in them).  

I’ve fished for decades for said trout and smallmouth.  In moving water only though.  Stillwater baffles the living crap out of me.  Give me bait in still-water and we got bluegill, bass, and catfish for days. Bluegill on the fly got me started oh so many years ago (thank you Mr. Peterite, my personal old guy mentor).  Stillwater was put on the back burner and has eluded me since I was kid. Many decades ago.

The box I received and the flies therein will give me the umph to get off my butt and learn something new.  Thank you.

Merry Christmas.

P.S. Now to go have some oysters on the half-shell. Yum

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19 hours ago, Chasing_Tails said:

Got a great set of saltwater fish catchers from WMW4. Thank you! They will be put to good use. 

And of course Vic, thank you for the freebies. I am consistently growing my Squimpish hair collection through the Christmas swaps. 

Looks like we traded, ive got a christmas island trip in a month and some of your flies will be making the trip. Thanks again and thanks Vic for hosting!

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I received a fantastic set of flies from Vicrider. They should tear up the Bass and saltwater fish. Thanks so much.  And thanks Norm.  Also got some cool materials.

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As Santa I always have a choice of boxes. Usually I don't take one out but this year DarrellP had box I really liked. It has flies in there I know the white bass run here in OK will love and streamers and poppers that will be great for the bass and really great if I ever get the Florida bucket list trip in in next year or two. 




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I am proud to announce that the presents remained wrapped until Christmas morning. I really didn't think my willpower would hold out that long, especially since I slipped away on the 24th and did some fly fishing for the first time in 15+ years. I received an awesome box and collection of flies from AGN54 and from vicrider. These flies will be used as a guide/goal as I start tying again.

I really can't begin to express how much this swap meant to me. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!


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The added success of this swap for many of us is the contributions you made from your vise. 3 beautiful flies for each swapper meant you actually contributed more than any other single swapper and gave everyone some great inspiration to attain to. Being a long time admire of your work i really enjoy have some of them for my desk and if I ever get to trout fish again I will send some of them out to get wet.


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Agreed.  It was a special treat to get three flies from Norm.   Of course, Nick’s efforts in pulling it all together cannot be understated.

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