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Fly Tying
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Popham 3/0 P-T

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Been a few weeks since I finished a Salmon Fly.  I have a few in progress but the Evangeline and Popham I wanted to tie both use a ton of Indian Crow and I was low on subs. I had traded for,  bought or received a few from generous tyers over the past year but there was a postal strike here that hamstrung me getting my hands on more.  

Only one thing to do, dye my own.  I have a ringneck skin so I harvested the neck feathers and got to dying. First step built a clamp, I’ll likely revisit this with fender washers but it did the job. IMG_5163.thumb.jpeg.fb4a62c669f79ffd0eaca9ae995eb866.jpeg

Second step (plus a few) was dying the feather a deep yellow/orange, moving the the feather further into the clamp and dying the tips a red.  


After that I was ready to tie, except now I needed hooks.  Got out my files and my box of 3366’s and got to reworking hook.  I had one come out of the oven where I had missed is spot with finishing so I decided I would use it to try a new finish including adding gold leaf prior to cooking the enamel. IMG_5042.thumb.jpeg.5f3fd593493b06f872b0bea733ff4634.jpeg

Finally I was ready to tie.  This one took a little more time than usual, those body veils are tricky to do with ringneck as a sub due to the shape of the rachis. In the end I’m pretty pleased with the fly.  IMG_5162.thumb.jpeg.7317fd0ba0d7c37d31d1f04db59a0f50.jpeg

Did my best to tie it to the Pryce-Tannatt recipe.  I have some peacock wing quills inbound (finally) but I subbed it with an Oak turkey for this one.  IMG_5063.thumb.jpeg.14ea0e717ad19fe9ad93e66ae9c5c1d8.jpeg

Sorry for the novel on this one but it was a bit of an adventure and I thought I would share some of it.  



Edited by Heff2
fix my horrible spelling and grammar

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23 minutes ago, Bruce Derington said:

Nice job on the crow, I’ve never made hooks but looks like you’ve got it figured out

Thx Bruce, looking at the fly/hook blown up on a big screen I now see there is a few things I would improve but isn't that always the way.  

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