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Bryon Anderson

Back in Business

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Well, after only 5 1/2 short months (🙃) the insurance finally came through and I've been able to get my pole barn -- aka my woodworking shop--back up and running. As of just before Christmas, I am back in the sawdust, making nets (and some other things), and couldn't be happier about it.

Here are some before and after pics of the building, and my first net of the new year. :)







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Like the siding upgrade!  Beautiful craftsmanship on that net!!!  Congratulations on finally getting back into the sawdust. 

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Very nice, Bryon.  Both the net and the shop.  How do you have the shop set up inside?  Mines a mess ... haven't really been able to concentrate on it for a long time.

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22 minutes ago, mikechell said:

Very nice, Bryon.  Both the net and the shop.  How do you have the shop set up inside?  Mines a mess ... haven't really been able to concentrate on it for a long time.

Thanks Mike! My shop is definitely messier than I'd like it to be, which is likely to continue for a while as I'm kind of continually moving things around as I make decisions about fixtures, storage, climate control, etc. The basic setup involves a large (4x8') work table in the center of the space, with the stationary machines (table saw, band saw, planer, drum sander, drill press, and router table) lined up down the two longer walls. There are some spaces in the back that are works in progress - a little room for finishing that I made by framing a wall across an open space, as well as a similar but larger space that used to be a spray booth, which, at the moment, is doubling as lumber storage and general junk catch-all, but which will ultimately be framed in and made into humidity-controlled lumber storage only.

I'll take some photos after work today and post them up here tonight or tomorrow. 

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22 minutes ago, Bryon Anderson said:

Thanks Mike! My shop is definitely messier than I'd like it to be, which is likely to continue for a while as I'm kind of continually moving things around as I make decisions about fixtures, storage, climate control, etc. The basic setup involves a large (4x8') work table in the center of the space, with the stationary machines (table saw, band saw, planer, drum sander, drill press, and router table) lined up down the two longer walls. There are some spaces in the back that are works in progress - a little room for finishing that I made by framing a wall across an open space, as well as a similar but larger space that used to be a spray booth, which, at the moment, is doubling as lumber storage and general junk catch-all, but which will ultimately be framed in and made into humidity-controlled lumber storage only.

I'll take some photos after work today and post them up here tonight or tomorrow. 

Remember you guys, like my buddy Joe Want says, "I guy with a neat shop is just too lazy to look for a tool"

Congratulations Bry.

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1 hour ago, Mark Knapp said:

Remember you guys, like my buddy Joe Want says, "I guy with a neat shop is just too lazy to look for a tool"

LOL.I like that Mark -- that might need to be on a sign in the shop 😄

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The restoration looks really nice, I'm happy for you.   Your nets are works of art Byron- 

As a guy who is too lazy to hunt for tools, let me say peg board can be your friend.

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3 hours ago, DFoster said:

The restoration looks really nice, I'm happy for you.   Your nets are works of art Byron- 

As a guy who is too lazy to hunt for tools, let me say peg board can be your friend.

Thanks DFoster! You're right, pegboard is helpful -- providing one remembers to return a tool to its peg after one is done using it...🙃

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45 minutes ago, Bryon Anderson said:

Thanks DFoster! You're right, pegboard is helpful -- providing one remembers to return a tool to its peg after one is done using it...🙃

👍👍 Times 2 on the pegboard. Easier to find stuff.

Not a fan of drawers for tools. My neighbor built a 4’x 6’ peg board cabinet with sliding doors to hide the tools. Coolest garage / shop layout I’ve seen.  

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Nice I like the look of it 👍👍

BTW I started back on rods now after being closed down the past week. Just have to get these 3 rods on the bench right now done and then I'll get to your switch grip setup for ya probably with in the next 10 days.

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This picture is when the shop had just been release for occupation ... It looks different now.  But I'm just putting this picture here to show that I just paneled the entire shop with peg board.

equipment move 03.jpg

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15 minutes ago, Steeldrifter said:

Just have to get these 3 rods on the bench right now done and then I'll get to your switch grip setup for ya probably with in the next 10 days

Awesome, thanks Steve! 

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I promised some pics of my shop - this is the work table in the center. Drill press sits under the hanging heater in the far corner.


My finishing room on the right, next to the former spray booth that will ultimately be framed in and climate controlled for lumber storage.


Router table on one wall. The little table behind the shop vac is for my oscillating sander and my power carving station.


Table saw, band saw, drum sander, and planer on the opposite wall, all connected to the large dust collector, which is just out of frame.


It's not "YouTube pretty" but I like it. 🙂 Next big project will be getting some better insulation and drywall for the walls.

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