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Fly Tying

February Flies from the Vise

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Again, excellent flytire on that Old Blue Dun.  Yesterday I found this pattern, Art Flick's Dun Variant nymph.  An ISO nymph pattern.  Tied on a 4x long nymph hook (9672).  Olive thread, brown partridge hackle, peacock sword tail, mix of black and claret mohair for the body.

Orvis Dun Variant.jpg

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19 hours ago, Old Hat said:

Again, excellent flytire on that Old Blue Dun.  Yesterday I found this pattern, Art Flick's Dun Variant nymph.  An ISO nymph pattern.  Tied on a 4x long nymph hook (9672).  Olive thread, brown partridge hackle, peacock sword tail, mix of black and claret mohair for the body.

Orvis Dun Variant.jpg

9672 is 2x long not 4x

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I believe the Mustad 9671 is or was the 2xl and the 9672 was the 3xl.  Now that Mustad has reconfigured labeling and upgraded manufacturing this model must be caught in the middle.  Not a 4xl to my old eyes.

oh - and I thought it was considered a nymph, maybe woolybugger hook.

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I agree with johnnyquahog 100% on the old Mustad specs for those 2 nymph hook models.

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Organza Buzzers

Tied in the style as described by Nick Thomas in his YouTube video "OJOs".

Hook: TMC 2499 SP-BLB size 12



Oranza Buzzers 1.jpg

Edited by wildwilly
author error

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3 hours ago, flytire said:



9671 = 3xl

9672 = 4xl

I guess it's possible Mustad changed their specs.

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My first popper painted with my airbrush. I couldn’t get a good picture showing the color graduations but it’s there along with a mesh pattern on top that you also can’t see. I think I have to learn some color theory or something. I also had a brain fart and thought I was poking the hook hole out bottom of the popper head. Of course I didn’t realize this until after the super glue dried. Oh well maybe I’ll like it this way but I’m guessing it won’t matter. 

Hook - Ahrex 610 predator trout hook, size 1

Head - Double barrel popper head

Thread - Flo green UTC 140

Tail - Yellow maribou, Krystal flash, yellow and chartreuse dyed wooly bugger hackle

Collar - Fluffy end of wooly bugger hackle

Legs - Medium round rubber legs, yellow


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okay back to february flies of the month


Silver Knight Streamer

Hook - Mustad 79580, size 6
Thread - Black
Tail - Golden pheasant tippets
Rear Half of Body - Flat silver tinsel
Front Half of Body - Red wool
Rib - Flat silver tinsel
Hackle - Black
Wing - Bronze mallard flank feather

This classic Scottish pattern is basically the same fly as the Peter Ross, with the replacement of the teal wing with one of the barred bronze mallard flank feather. The fly is closely related to the Teal and Red. It is derived from a centuries old pattern known as Franck’s Glittering Fly. The pattern, tied in various sizes, imitates small minnows, and is effective on all trout species.

Silver Knight Streamer fishing fly Stock Photo - Alamy

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Moose Nymph No. 3

Robert Weagle

Hook - Single salmon
Thread - Black
Tag - Silver tinsel tied in above hook point
Rib - Fine oval silver tinsel
Body - Black wool
Wing - Black moose hair
Throat - Orange, very short and sparse
Cheeks - Jungle ****

Fly Patterns of Canada - Paul C Marriner

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