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Fly Tying

Atlantic Salmon/Steelhead Swap

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Well, it's been roughly 8 months since i hosted my first swap, and there doesn't seem to be a swap for me to join, so I'll suggest my own.

How about 12 guys plus me(that's 12 flies each), and we'll tie a hairwing steelhead or atlantic salmon fly pattern. I'll be tying a pattern designed by my lovely girlfriend, called The Orange Phillip.

We'll see how fast we can fill up 12 guys, and adjust as nessecary.

As soon as we get all 12 guys I'll let you know my address, and the shipping details.

Thanks guys,

Dave Hicks :)

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I dont know what either yet but ill play as well.


Good to see you back arround here Dave. I recall that you mentioned a sea run brookie river, but cant rember what you said.

We have a sea run brown and I have heard that they are not the same. I heard the brookies are fast hard hitting and running fish. I almost made it to the south shore as there is a run there too. I heard that the Kentecook River used to have so many sea run brook trout that they were netted commercialy til they disapeared and are now starting to return in small numbers. Maybe next year.

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We have:

Joe Hard


Sjo Crapels


CJ - I'll set a date as soon as we fill up the 12 guys, so hopefully we can set a date for about the middle of November.


JH - Almost all the rivers/brooks here in Cumberland county that run into the salt water get a sea run of brookies. River Phillip and Southhampton river have nice runs, as does the Amherst marsh area. 16 - 20 inch brookies are not that uncommon, although the smaller brooks usually 12 inches is the max. I have though, seen 4+ pound fish come out of tiny brooks. There are some smaller brooks were you can fish in the estuary and catch the brookies just as they enter the fresh water, and they are a deep red color on the sides. They slowly turn to orange after they've been in the river, and lose the orange after they've been in freshwater a month or two. Brookies are lots of fun, they love big dry flies and just about anything you throw at them!

River Phillip and Southhampton do have sea run browns. They are quite silver, and can easily be confused with the salmon, but they do get yellow after being in a while.



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The sea run browns are the same here, there is also a scattered run of slmon and it is hard to tell the diference. I usually look at the tail, and for red spots.

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Anyone else to join the swap?


JoeHard - My biggest clue for the difference between the atlantic salmon and the browns is the teeth on the tongue and upper mouth. The salmon has a single row of teeth on the roof of the mouth(along the "vormine shaft"), and a tapered tongue, while the brown has a zigzag row on the roof of the mouth, and a heavily toothed "volmerine head", and a broad square tongue. I find that sometimes browns can have slightly forked tails and can be missing alot of the spots, the "tooth check" is a guarantee that your not going to be arrested for poaching :o if the tail/coloration of the fish is borderline.

Speaking of salmon, we hooked our first of the year yesterday, a nice 30 inch male, which my father hooked on the first cast of the day with a GP. :headbang: He decided to give me a fat lip during the releasing process.....getting my butt-whipped by a fish! There's lots of salmon to be seen, but not alot being landed in comparison with last season.

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i haven't set a date yet, I'm going to see how many are interested. It would be nice to have all the flies received and sent back out by the end of November though.

If we can't get 12 swappers by Nov 1st, we can make a smaller swap with each tyer tying 2 different flies for each of the other swappers, so we'd all still get 10 - 12 patterns.


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We have:

Joe Hard


Sjo Crapels



As long as we get 2 more swappers by the 1st, we can still tie 12 flies each, and each receive 12 different patterns.

Thanks guys!

I'll also be able to post pictures of the patterns for everybody.



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