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Fly Tying

Atlantic Salmon/Steelhead Swap

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Please do not rush this swap because of me, take your time guys until you get what you want for tiers. But if you want to go with what we have thats ok with me.

Do I understand you that we would tie up 2 patterns? And how many flies?

Please bear with me this is only my third swap. A lot of questions.


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gray squirrel, just sent you a PM, so check your PM's. :)

It seems like noone else joined, so we'll go with each guy tieing 10 flies, 5 of each pattern, and we'll make the due date for me receiving them December 12th, so I can ship them out and they'll get there right around Christmas time.

My address is:

David Hicks

37 Russell street

Amherst, NS

B4H 2S5



The canadian guys can send a self stamped envelope if they wish, the US guys can send a self addressed envelope, and either $5 or 4 IRC's, whichever is cheaper for you. I believe last time I took IRC's in I got $1.20 worth of stamps from each one, so 4 should cover Small Packet postage to the USA.

I got my flies all ready tied, so i can't wait to see what you guys come up with. :)


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They are on the way tomorrow morning. I put 6 in there a bonus for the swapmeister. Lucky you in this swap you get the very first Hairys I have tied from Gordon Mackenzie's book.

Let me know what you think of them please.


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I just realized looking at my pattern book. I combined 2 different to create that pattern, I missed the red dubbing. This could be a weird spider pattern, this might be a new pattern who knows.

Happy Thanksgiving to all and I hope all is well with you and your families.


PS Its snowing here like crazy!!!!!!!!!!

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;) It hasn't done much snowing around here yet, but, being Nova Scotia, I'm sure the snow will soon be finding us!!! I'll let you all know when your packages arrive.

Dave :)

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Dave - The delivery man dropped off your package late this afternoon. The flies look totally awesome! :headbang: I really like the hair hackle, and the babine specials look great too. Awesome!

When I get everyone's flies, I'll post some pictures.


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