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hackle for wooly buggers

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I would like to take advantage of the sale that J. Stockard is having on hackle. I am just starting out fly tying and would like to tie some wooly buggers. Besides different colors, any help on which hackle to buy? Thanks for any help.

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For Woolies any old "saddle" hackle will do. Olive and black are the most common colours. Don't worry about the hackle being too cheap. It's rare to find bad saddle. if you can, though, try for longer feathers. I find that they palmer nicer and tend to have nicer fibres. The short saddles tend to have long webby fibres, and those don't work well for palmering.

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I've recently tied some woolys on size 10 hooks palmered with some whiting saddle feathers, the really small ones (sz 14 & smaller)....these came out looking pretty close to a catapillar! Dont see too many here in Vegas, but I'm sure you could check around your favorite holes during the right season and find all sorts of 'em. Dont add any marabou, match your chinelle to their body color, and wrap them with real short hackles.....Living in Vegas has taught me how to gamble, and I'd bet the house you can hook up on some good fish during catapillar season with this pattern!

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I've never tried the bugger packs, but I bet they're perfect


I have to agree about the softer/long saddles. they palmer nice and give it that "swept" look


IPB Image

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I always found it funny that most wolly buggers tyed with stuff saddles tend to float, that drives me crazy, I like to fish them deep and then strip them up. hen sinks quicker, has a nicer movement, and holds more water so the next cast it drops even quicker. If I do not want it to sink as fast I just dont weight it.


Joe Fox

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I use most any feather but saddles are my favorite. Hen saddles work great and if you have a hard time palmering them just brush the barbules the opposite way of the quill to break them apart before you tie and they will palmer fine. As far as cock hackle floating....I almost always tie my buggers with bead heads and they sink fast!



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Have you ever tried schalipin (sp) it is a great webby feather that has long barbs and has tons of movement in the water. I had a guy order a bunch of what he called spey buggers. He wanted them tied with schlapin. I got some and was very happy with them.

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The metz saddles are the best I have used for buggers. They have a nive taper in the fiber length that results in a nicely shaped bugger. I find strung saddle too large and too short for a nice fly.

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I like strung saddles as they give the fly a bigger profile, I use tmc 3oo size 2 hooks, so 1 strung saddle will work well, often I will add a collar of another one with a few turns. Stay away from neck hackle and get the cheapest saddle they have for sale. You can also use the hackles for other things, such as body hackle, collars, tail fibers, throats, wings on streamers and tails on frog patterns, decivers, ha;f and halfs, flatwings, ect. J.Stockard also carrys wolly bugger patches, and will tie all size buggers.

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