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Fly Tying
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CRAP...I mean CARP!

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Ok...what are some patterns tied to catch a fish that's built like a Bradley fighing vehicle? i understand that they are actually rather tricky to catch and just figured it'd be interesting to try and tie into one or two on a fly rod...



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I dont know about a fly rod but when I was a boy we borrowed bluefin tuna harpoons and hunted those dinosaurs in the Merrimac River.They had scales the size of half dollars and weighed probably 75 pounds.

We'd motor up to them in shallow water and get them.

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Had luck on very small hare's ear nymphs and cray fish patterns. believe it or not cray fish are a staple in a carps diet. The trick is to present your fly without being spoted. make cast that don't splash down, well ahead of the fish and stay in some sort of cover if possible. Good luck, hope this helps



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I got a few on the fly last summer, olive bugger, foxee clousers, and a simple crayfish got them. oh, these were all dead drifted or sitting on the bottom. you have to see or anticipate the take, you wont feel a tug.


Good to see youre reading the forum again, must be the winter boredom.



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In the summer I catch them at dusk under a bridge on a rive. The street lights attrack little white flies. The carp suck away at them. I use litte white nymph hooks size 20.


Of course with such a small hook and leader many break off, I would say I catch 1 in 10. Lots of fun however.

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