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Question for Peak vise users

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Hello everyone, I am seeking a bit of information regarding the Peak vise. I fish the Yakima, WA area and there are no dealers around here where I can get the information myself. Since the Peak vise has no adjustment for placing hoooks of different sizes precisely on the axis of rotation when tying rotary style, I would like to know what is the optimum size hook that will position the shank of the hook on the axis of rotation without any vertical displacement as it is rotated. Also, what range of hooks will fit best before the vertical displacement during rotation becomes an annoyance. I am using an old Thompson A and looking to upgrade. I like all I have read about the Peak and it fits my budget, but I have this lingering question. Your taking the time to respond will be of great assistance and very much appreciated. Jim

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I have researched those sites together with several more but none address the specific question that I have. I would really like to have this answered before I purchase the vise. In fact, whether I buy it or not depends on the information I am seeking. Thanks for your kind suggestion though. Jim

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Give them a call. I believe His name is Kurt.Great guy to talk to,I'm sure He will answer Your questions truthfully. Best money I've ever spent was buying that vise!



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i have tied size 2 down to 20 on the main jaws. I also have the magnum and midge jaws so all is covered.



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YES! very nice vise for the cash. i dont use the rotery per say as some might do. But it is "bomb proof" like they say, solid as a rock and worth every cent ( and then some ) -jason

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At this point ill be replacing my dan vise with one this summer

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I just bought a Peak vise and can only echo what the others have said. I think you get an excellent vise for the money. I have never tried tying anything true rotary so I am not able to help either. I used to tie on a Thompson 360 but this vise makes tying so much easier. I am tying some pike flies now and I believe the Peak has already helped me tie better flies. Here is an example. I just noticed in the pic that the shank is nearly in line with the rotary axis. The fly is on a 2/0 hook in the saltwater jaws. Maybe someone else that has the regular jaws installed could experiment with different hook sizes and let you know.


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Thanks Flyrod98. That is just the kind of information I am looking for. Yes, perhaps someone will do just as you suggested. That would be appreciated. Jim

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4Beader, I was tying again tonight, but before I started, I checked the saltwater hooks that I am tying pike flies on. I tried a Gamakatsu B10S-1/0, Mustad 34007 2/0, 1/0, 2. All of these can be clamped on axis with a little fiddling in the saltwater jaws. I also tried a Mustad 9672 -6 which is to small to clamp properly in the big hook jaws but I was able hold it good enough to test. It rotated above and below axis about 1/8th inch.


What size hooks do you plan to tie on? If no one else tests some hooks on the regular jaws I will change jaws tomorrow and test some smaller hooks.

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Wow, what a kind offer, thank you Flyrod98. I will be tying in the range of 12 to 24 size hooks. My eyes and skill are neither good enough for the really tiny flies (BWO's) that our Yakima river trout love. I think the skill factor is more restrictive than eyesight just to be honest. I truly appreciate your williingness to take the time to do this. Jim

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4beader, I changed jaws and I only tried one hook, a mustad 9672-size 10. From the attached picture you can see the offset. It measured about 1/4th inch. Smaller hooks would only cause the offset to be greater, so I only tested the one hook.


I hope you don't pass on an excellent vise because of this. Just curious, why do you want your hook shank on axis? You can still easily place materials on both sides of the hook when it is below the axis of rotation.





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Flyrod98, to be honest I am a bit more than disappointed about your findings, but I have heard so many positive reports on the Peak that it is probably going to be my purchase. Thanks again for all you help. Jim

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