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Cutting Rabbit Hide into strips?

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I want to cut the rabbit hide I have into strips. Zonker and crosscut. Im guessing an X-Acto knife cutting from the hide side is the way to do it. Any tips from you guys with a lot of experience. I can just see myself cutting the hide all to shreds and wasting half of it.

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I would recommend using a clip board, one of the old school "Coaching" kind. It works great in holding the hide and you will also be able to use the clip portion as a cutting edge. I cut in the same direction that the hair on the hide goes.


Hope this helps.



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What you need to be able to do is to cut the hide without cutting the hair.


the way i do this is i use an embordery frame and take a razor to the hide side, that way the hair dosnt get trimmed.

One flytying book i have suggests that you put the hide in the vice when you make the cuts.


Whatever way u do it, you need to keep the hide suspended off the surface, that way you only cut the hide


If you just lay the hide on a solid surface and slice away, your going to cut a lot of hair.

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I've only done it once but I was happy with the result. I held the pelt with two wood strips held with a vice and then cut the pelt with a double-sided razor. They are by far the sharpest. I also wet the pelt to get all the fur under control. I don't know if that helped or not.

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I'll just restate what's already been said but it's important to keep tension on the hide (vise, clamp, etc.) and go slow with the blade on the skin side up. It's really not hard and after a couple of strips you'll be lookin for the hair grain to do cross-cut zonkers.



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To make an easy Zonker strip cutting tool;


Try fastening 2 replacement knife blades from a narrow bladed utility knife ( snap off blades) to a popsicle stick. One along each of the flat sides. You can fasten them on with electrician's tape. Now you have 2 cutting surfaces separated by the thickness of the popsicle stick, approx 1/8" thick. Perfect width for Zonker strips.


Try to adjust the amount of blade sticking out beyond the stick to just a little more than the thickness of the rabbit hide.


Use it until the blades get dull, unwrap tape, snap off the dull blade section, tape 'em up again and away you go.


A lot of the posts already have good info on how to do the cutting itself.

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A simple tool to make involves stacking "utility single edged razor blades". Material you'l need are, a super glue of your choice, a 2 inch long thin bolt (sufficient to fit through the hole in the utility blades)...an accompanying nut for the bolt...and a dozen or so small diameter washers.


Begin by threading a single blade on the bolt...add two or three washers (a drop or two of glue between the blade and each washer)...another blade...more washers...more blades until barely enough of the bolt remains to thread on the nut.


If you use a longer nut, you can even fashion a handle for the tool that allows you to exert more pressure while cutting so multiple passes aren't needed.


Just a thought,




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Thanks again! You guys have been really helpful. I like that cutter idea. I dont have much of an imagination myself, I would have never thought of something like that. Ill try to get one put together and let you guys know how I do. Appreciate the help!

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