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Fly Tying
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Bruce Derington

Material Quest

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Heh guys I've seen the magic heads to put on front of flies but what I'm looking for is more of a type of "spoon" that you would have on a Rapala. Any one know of a site that might have someyhing like that. I think that by having a diving vain on the front of a large streamer would impart some great action for enticing those larger Browns

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Hey there Bruce, I haven't seen you since John moved, I hope all is well. I have taken pop bottles 1 or 2 litre depending on fly size and cut out the spoon shape I wanted from right under where the cap transitions into the side of the bottle. I am still experimenting with it but I have a couple that turned out great and the action is very good. The nice thing about the pop bottle is that it is concave already, I tie the straight part( right below where the cap screws on) to the hook shank right behind the eye and let it hang down. I leave it larger than I want and trim it to adjust the action. It works good on decievers, I haven't tried it on any pure synthetic baitfish imitations yet but I plan to.

Take Care, Eric

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PM steelie he is a.... er..... has a tool for that!!!

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