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Fly Tying
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Bruce Derington

Material Quest

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Heh guys I've seen the magic heads for front of flies but I'm trying to find something more along the line of a diving vain similar to a "rapala" spoon bill. Does anyone have any ideas, I think it would give a big streamer some great action for those big Browns. You would think theres some site that may specialize on something simple that could be tied in up front

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Bruce I don't know if its exactly what your looking for but Cabela's has fly wobbler blades that can be tied on the front of fly's like a spoon on the front of a rapala. Never tried one so if you do let me know the results.


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Your solution= Propeller blades. they are made in 4 sizes. Flatten out twist in blade.Lay on hook so one blade sticks out past eye,tie to hook. bend as desired. tie pattern over.

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I missed this post when I was up north. What I do is use an razor and cut the magic heads in half and the 'paint' the back edge with a very thin coat of epoxy to give it a little backbone...they then work just like diving lips.

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Redwings Yeah, that was my exact thought until I made this post and found out about Fly Lipps which are a magic head cut in half. I googled "flylipps" and their they were.

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