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Fly Tying
old guy

fly head trimer

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hi all: looking for a tool i had for years and can't find a replacement.can't remember who made it or where I purchased .its a little bigger than a large pen and has 2 batteries in it.you push on the switch and a small wire at the end of the tool gets red hot .I use it to trim any hair or feathers sticking out of head or in the hook eye.works great but my is gone and I would like to buy a new one.if any one knows please contact me thank you the old guy

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I know Cabela's used to sell them, but I can't find them on their website


I got one there a couple of years ago at one of their retail stores


it's basically just a medical capacitor with a diffrent tip


keep the faith they are ou tthere


and if you find them, I think you can replace just the tips, depending on whats gone wrong with yours



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Before you buy you may want to check with your family doctor. They use a similar tool to remove small growths and such. The tool is used only once and discarded. The end can be cut off with a tubing cutter to allow for the replacement of batteries. It is called a Surgical Cautery. Can't hurt checking and it may save you a few bucks.



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Hi old guy,


Chris Helm sells them. His phone number is 419-843-2106. They are called The Fly Tier's Hot Point. Chris is at the FFF Conclave this week so give some time to return home. Take care & ...


Tight Lines - Al Beatty


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They are also available from mad riveroutfitters. I sometimes shop there for the free shipping over $25.

This month they have c&f flyboxes 30% off. I have wanted one for a while and at that price I finally pulled the trigger and got one. Enter the online store and click on monthly specials for instructions.


Feather-craft shows it on their sight too. Several months agoI ordered one. They told me it was back ordered.

When it did not come in for several weeks I gave up and cancelled the order but it might be another place to try.




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im with Hopper


most general prat drs will have dispoaible cuadery units around if you ask. it is exactly what is pictured above.

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