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Fly Tying
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Blues Brother

Getting My Eggs To Sink

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I bought some stuff from my local fly shop to make egg flies. I'm not sure of the brand, but it is the "yarn" material. Not the stuff used from a glue gun. The fly looks fine, however, I can't seem to get it to sink... :huh: Any suggestions? Thanks.





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The eggs themselves don't really sink. They slowly sink, but you will have to put a split shot or two up the leader about 18" or so. The shot will bounce the bottom with the egg just off the botttom.


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Another option is tying in a bead before tying the egg on the hook. Tie the egg so it kind of covers most of the bead. I think it was day5 who I first saw tie them that way. I'd post a link to his "my fly patterns" page but it looks like the search feature in the fly pattern database isn't working right now

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Most people , when tying eggs make them too full(big) and you may find that even when adding some split shot the egg will sink but maybe not fast enough for the hole or run your fishing. There are 2 things you can do

1) tie smaller eggs

2) only tie the yarn on the top side by Holding the yarn parallel to the hookshank, make two tight turns, one over lapping each other , then while keeping pressure on the thread bobbin, pull up on the yarn and pass the thread behind it and then in front of it, then post it and tie it off. Then simply hold the yarn and cut it to the size you desire. By doing this youv'e cut down on the yarn by 1/2 and now the sink rate becomes much faster. Believe me the fish won't notice this and your eggs will get down much Quiker.

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