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Fly Tying
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Alex C.

EP Bastard

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nice tie alex, want me to move it over to another page? which page do you want it on?



I tied it for steelhead so the other steelhead and salmon forum would be good.


Thanks man :D

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Great fly Alex!! I bet with a little red flash in the tail and red wire rib the browns here would goble thay fly up.(contrast)

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Thanks gentlemen!


I originally called this an EP bastard but changed it to a Spey Bugger this morning. Even though the Foxee bastard it was based on is pretty much a bugger, this one seems more like a bugger than a bastard :lol: I tied this fly during Mike's virtual tying class for the foxee bastard. Didn't have any fox tail on hand so I was looking for subs. At first I was thinking to use arctic fox in place of the fox tail, but it moves much better than fox tail in the water. So then I was thinking squirrel tail, but it is stiffer in the water than the fox tail. Then I thought I might just blend some arctic fox and squirrel together to get it just right, but then decided to just go with EP fibers insead of the fox tail because you can't go wrong with EP.


I wanted really long hackle fibers and almost used schlappen, but then decided to go with the whiting spey hackle. I think I'll use schlappen from now on though just cause i like how it moves as well as how it looks much better.


I like Darryn's suggestion for a rib so I'll probably tie them that way for my fly box from now on. Also got a couple other ideas for this one that I wanna play with for targeting other species.

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