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Fly Tying
Harold Ray

Ron Lucas hooks

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I was wondering how many buy hooks from Ronn Lucas and if I'm understanding his pricing correctly. Does a single traditional hook really sell for $6.00 to $8.00 and an exhibition hook sell for $15.00 to $17.00? It appears to, but I wanted to make sure.


The manufactured hooks sell for pennies, or dimes at most, except for the really big ones, and handmade hooks, whatever the size, sell for several dollars. I realize handmade probably means higher quality, or at least, I would hope so, but given the price difference, what drives you to buy a handmade hook. I have nothing against Ronn Lucas or his product, and I having nothing against high dollar hooks, either, I just never have been exposed to them. In the future when I'm a flytying whiz and known around the world for my traditional Salmon flies, I may want a few hundred to tie on and enjoy. :) Right now, I'm just trying to learn about high dollar hooks!





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I ordered a dozen hooks from Ronn and they were worth every penny. And the first thing that comes to mind is it's kinda like getting Snap-On Tools instead of ones from Wal-Mart.

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The difference is that Ronn produces hooks that have features mass-produced hooks simply don't have -- sharpened harpoon points; "gutters" that help to show off the barbs; styles and bends that are historically accurate but haven't been commerically produced for years (or decades); and deep, lustrous japanned finishes free of blemishes.


One of these days, if my tying ever gets good enough to do justice to such fine hooks, I plan to order a couple for special shadow-box flies. Until then, commercially produced hooks will do.



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I think the easiest way to compare it to something easily understood would be to use the anology of Jungle Cock capes. Can you get a cape for $45? sure, but if your tying for show then you would want to drop $175 on a super grade cape right? same with Ronn's hooks IMO. You can get production hooks, but if your tying for show then you'd want some of Ronn's for their quality. When it comes to a fly for "show" or tying competitions then the hook is the foundation for the whole fly, so you wouldnt want to spend hours tying in very expensive exotic materials onto a hook that only cost $1 because it's gonna look just like that... "Expensive materials on a $1 hook". So thats where Ronn's hooks come in to play.

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I've been to Ronn's place and seen these hooks. They're beautiful and most are works of Art! Just look at his flies and you'll see why you would'nt want to tye them on a cheapo $2.00 hook. Ronn showed us some beads that go into some of his flies that he has specially produced to his spec's. some of them were $50.00 for each bead. The guy is truely amazing and I was glad to have the oppurtunity to meet him.

The guy is a real standup person and all of the materials that he sells is quality stuff! I'm sure that you won't be sorry with anything that you purchase from him.

Randy Diefert

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When it comes to a fly for "show" or tying competitions then the hook is the foundation for the whole fly, so you wouldnt want to spend hours tying in very expensive exotic materials onto a hook that only cost $1 because it's gonna look just like that... "Expensive materials on a $1 hook". So thats where Ronn's hooks come in to play.


That is a comparison I understand, and you are right.



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Harold' Yeah man talk about sticker shock! It may not be necessary to purchase such fine Quality hooks when your just getting started. You may not know what a gutter is! Clue, it not something that hangs on your roof. Check out John McLains web page, which you can get to through Lucas's site or FeathersMc.com. At some point in time.



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It may not be necessary to purchase such fine Quality hooks when your just getting started.




I wasn't going to buy, yet, someday maybe, but I check out just about every link I see posted; when I saw the prices, they impressed me!!



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