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Mason Show by the Graet Lakes Council of the FFF

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Good Day,


For all you folks in the Michigan area (including Northern Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and perhaps Wisconsin and Canada) the Great Lakes Council of the Federation of Fly Fishers 7th annual Fly Tying Exposition at the Ingham County Fairgrounds in Mason, Michigan on Saturday December 2nd from 9 a.m. to 4p.m. Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for kids. Over 100 tyers will be on hand! Returning talents include Royce Dam, Jeff Bear Andrews, Chris Helm, Dennis Potter, Rusty Gates, Ray Schmidt, Dick Walle, Julie Nielsen, Chris Soule, Oscar Feliu, Kelly Galloup, a returning talent, and many others. This is a must attend show for those of you in the region! I have also recieved reports that there will be a few more vendors this year as well. Check out the following information from the GLC at this link:




Wickedcarpenter, redwings1, day5, ridderbos, sage8wt, etc... you all planning on being there?



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Bruce I believe I talked with you there and on another occasion at flymart.



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Heh BFR, Yeah I'm sure we did!, lets do it again, boy I sure miss the Flymart and aal the great people Iv'e there over the years. I'm really looking forward to this years show because it will be nice to put a face on the people Iv'e met and corresponded with from this site. Seems like a good number will be in attendance.

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Good Day,


Hey guys... We need to get another FTF photo this year as we did last year. I propose we meet a few minutes before the show begins so we can be sure to get all the tiers in the pic. Let's say about 8:45 a.m.? What do you all think? I propose meeting at my tying station... look for the handsome guy like in my avatar... the three earings should also give it away!



AKA Christopher Soule

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Hey chris the picture sounds like a good idea since I left before the one last year. I don't know if I will be there that early though.



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I was really thinking of making the 4 hoour or so trek down there to check out this show. But it appears as though the job is puttin wrench into those plans!!! :wallbash: :wallbash:



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