Guest Report post Posted September 2, 2003 Okay, before we even rude comment from Smallie hunter and I'm going to drive up to the 'burbs and whup his spindly ass!!!! Now, let's begin..... First Aid in the back country should be a priority concern before heading out on an extended trip. Most first aid kits are excellent for minor injuries or afflictions, however, they are not equipped to handle a major trauma. I experienced a major trauma on an extended trip a few years ago, and was damn glad I had taken a few extra moments to prepare our kit for just such an occasion. I had a major gash to a limb, and the badages that came in the store bought kit simply were not suffiient to stop the bleeding. But before we left, I had stuffed several maxi pads and tampons, and a roll of duct tape into our kit. These feminine hygeine products are excellent bandages when you need a large application or a bandage that will absorb a lot of blood without having to be replaced, which allows you to continue pressure on the wound. We duct taped the pad in place and within a few monments, the situation was in hand, or as well in hand as it possibly could be. I once saved the life of a free-bleeding miner friend of mine when we packed his nose with a tampon. If he hadn't been carrying it in his cover-alls ( a secret he did not share until he needed it), he could have very easily bled to death before we got to the surface. Always make a point to have a few maxi pads or tampons in your kit. It may sound foolish, and you may have a hell of a time explaining it to your buddies, but if they ever need it, they will be glad you thought of it!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites