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Fly Tying

It's a Boy!!!

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Tyler Edward Simmons

Born: 1/5/2007

Length: 20 3/4 inches

Weight: 9lbs 11ounces

Time 5:15pm


My wife delivered Tyler (Yes, as in Ty, as in Tie a fly) on Friday 1/5/07 at 5:15pm. She did a great job and he came out and has already said his first words....."Dad, take me fishing!!!"


He's going to do just fine!



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Glad to hear that all went well!!! Congrats and enjoy every moment you can it goes fast!!!

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Congrats to you and your family, Length: 20 3/4 inches

Weight: 9lbs 11ounces that not a boy that is a defendsive end.

has already said his first words....."Dad, take me fishing!!!"
did he state bass, trout, crappie

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Congrat's !!!!!! :clapping: Let us know how you do with the 3 am feedings and the diaper thing !!! :baby: Believe me they are all worth it!!!!!!

Tube :blink:

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Congrats on the new born,Cheerish every moment then they reach their teens..............just kidding,again congrats to your family.......



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