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Need some advice...

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Hey guys,


This board has been awesome...I've only been a fly fisher for about 6 months now and only tying for 3 or so...


I'd like to ask some advice. I live in northwest Arkansas and I am in graduate school. My spring break is from March 19-23 and I would like to take a trip somewhere to fish. I'm pretty open to what, where, etc...


I'd really like to fish for some peacock bass, or some saltwater fishing in the gulf or atlantic side of FL.


Where would you recommend? What species would be best to fish for at this time? I'll be driving, so I dont' want to drive more than 15 hours TOPS! one way...but of course, if the fishing is good.....who know..


Thanks guys,



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You can find Peacock Bass in the canals and lakes from Ft. Lauderdale south through Miami. March may be too early in the year for them though, they like it hot. The Everglades and the canals that run along Alligator Alley, can be fun with small tarpon, bass and Snook if the weather has been warm.


The end of March is the beginning of prime time here in FL, but is still iffy because cold fronts can still come through and shut things down. When it's cold (Florida cold, not northern cold) and windy, fishing can be a crap shoot and you would have driven a long way for nothing.

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prime time steelhead fishing here in Michigan.


Same for all the Ohio/PA rivers, though we are very dependent on weather. Too much rain and you will really have to work to find good water. :dunno:

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