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-5 degrees this morning and discovered we have no water! We did some remodeling in the basement this fall, and didn't notice we were isolating part of the water line that is partially against an outside wall. DUH! So now will spend the day taking out part of a new wall to get to that spot, and re-routing the line to eliminate future problems. So much for a quiet morning at the vise with a cup of coffee.


But my Scouts will be complaining that we didn't schedule our Camp Alaska this weekend. That's where we go out and camp for 24 hours with no tents. They build a shelter out of whatever they find and maybe some plastic. They'll complain cuz they would get a special patch if the temp falls below 0. We have it scheduled for the weekend of the 17th, so they are keeping fingers crossed that it'll be cold. Darn kids.

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Says 16 below here. Never broke 0 yesterday. Fortunately we have no wind. My garage door just doesn't work right in this cold. Had to get out and help it close when I left this morning. The metal handle sure was cold on bare skin! I have a lock-in at a camp in two weeks, so hopefully it warms up so we don't have to sit inside the whole time.

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I was going to take my son ice fishing this weekend. But there is no way I am going to sit out on ice with temps like this. I don't feel bad because my son went outside to play, and he lasted all of 2 seconds. He didn't believe me that it was that cold.



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We are currently getting BURIED in snow. We've gotten over 24" since last evening and it's still coming down hard. I shoveled our driveway with the kids this afternoon and by the time we got it done, we already had 4 more inches of snow where we started shoveling. Haven't seen a snow plow since yesterday, so the street is pretty much impassable at this point.


Oh well, the winter has been pretty easy up 'til now. Maybe I'll get a snow day off from work tomorrow with the kids...


Stay warm and hopefully get some time at the vise.

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Geeez, Letumgo, I don't feel so bad now. We haven't had hardly any snow here, and have only had to shovel once. Got a feeling the rest of the winter is going to be a cold one.

By the way, got my water problem fixed and up and running again.

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It's 8F here in central Maine at 11 a.m., but it looks like we'll get some colder stuff this week. Now, if we could just get some more snow!



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we have -23 on the thermometer on the side of the house right now, the wind chill is -43 so they cancelled school

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I was going to take my son ice fishing this weekend. But there is no way I am going to sit out on ice with temps like this.


I was thinking about throwing a line through the ice also (my son loves this too), but now I'm

worried that a hand-auger won't cut it !

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ive gone through 3'+ with my hand auger latley, its hard work but you can make it through



Three feet ! I wouldn't imagine you'd be putting out that many tip ups !


I'm not even sure my auger could get to 3 feet without bottoming out !

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39" is the thickest it can go though, last weekend the ice ranged from 2' to a little more than 3' anf after drilling about 20 holes through out the day i was rather sore but not to sore to go out again the next day :lol:

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Had about 0 at the cabin this morning in north central NH. The Rinnai kept us warm, But the ride back was frigid way below with the wind chill. Plus snow squalls and winter dust storms [blowing snow) which of course glazes the highway.

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NO SCHOOL AGAIN TOMORROW :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :butt: :butt: :butt: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :drunk: :drunk: :kicking: :kicking: :kicking: :punk: :punk: :rockon: :rockon: :thumbup: :thumbup:

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For you Ice fishing guys, I have 2 words for you: SPACE HEATER.


I went Duck Hunting on the Ohio River once a couple years ago with my cousin. It was about 10 degrees outside. We got the decoys set up, got back in his boat, put the blind up, and he busts out this 1200 sq. ft. kerosene space heater. Within 15 minutes we were both -literally- down to our t-shirts and jeans.


BTW, its about 5 degrees here in Louisville. Windchills at night have been below zero. And there's no friggin' snow outside to enjoy! :wallbash:

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