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Fly Tying

ugly is as ugly does

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Seriously, that could kind of be a fun category for next year's FTOTY. Or maybe a second contest that doesn't get quite the same publicity.

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so when does the ugliest fly contest start? :D


Finally, I've found MY contest! By the way, Twofingerz, that's not an ugly fly, it looks like a good bass pattern.



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my motivation was an article that said the color blue was most visable to fish. so this past summer i used alot of hard lures with blue on them, or added to them by means of a blue grub tail, and i caught more fish than i thought i would have otherwise. so naturally now that i have started tying i had to incorporate some blue. i cant wait to try this one in the upcoming season. if it ever gets here.


At the end of each tying session i try to tie one "goofy" fly just for fun. Attached is pic of last nights "off the wall". Hardest part is trying to find the ugliest feather in the bag..LOL


Forrest Gump is an American classic.


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