chrisfish 0 Report post Posted February 11, 2007 This is a bump of a thread started by ted patlen a while back. With all the winter weather I thought we cabin bound fisher people could come up with some entertaining fish stories. Ted had asked about catching fish on some odd stuff like cigg. butts, bare hooks ect. and it evolved to a BS contest. I know many of you here are good writers and also good BS artists. so let the tall tales begin A Night in Gourock I was once fishing from the peir in a shipyard after work. schools of mackerel would show up and just destroy anything in the water. I was having a blast. they would come from nowhere, 10-20 of them and just attack. after some time i lost the last of the three or four lures i had with me. I had also lost track of time and realized I'd missed the last ferry. I was stuck. Now The town of Gouroch, where i was working and now fishing, was a rough town to say the least. A sailors town. The kind of place where a young man could easily drink and stay occupied well into the morning hours while waiting for the ferries to start up again. So I went to a local pub and found a lady of the night. My request was met with some hesitation. but after some explaining she agreed to come back to the shipyard with me if I would buy us some ale to take along. At the peir I took off her nylon stockings. I tied one to the end of my line. See, mackrel are a toothy fish, and being out of hooks i needed something to hold the the demons. I cast the stocking to the wolves. As expected they attacked. We pulled in two fish on the first cast. both fishes teeth were hoplessly tangled in the nylon stocking. She and I had the time of our lifes. and by morning all I owed the young lady was a few fish and 75 quid. Chrisfish Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joe Hard 0 Report post Posted February 11, 2007 :hyst: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vices 0 Report post Posted February 15, 2007 LMAO.. :hyst: :devil: your one sick pup.. that sure dont stop ya from being a funny one .. lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fly time 0 Report post Posted February 15, 2007 This one time at band camp.......uh .....wait wrong story Dustin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flyfishingtaz 0 Report post Posted February 16, 2007 Last summer my 6yr old daughter came out for the summer to visit me my girlfriend, and her daughter. Thank god they all clicked right away. Well, anyways we got her interested in fishing, and soon we were fishing everyday. So one day we all went out to a friends place who has a huge pond out back of his place. We got there, got her set up, and before I could get my line out she hooks into a huge catfish. This thing was just plane huge. I've never caught one this big in my life! She wouldnt let me help her reel it in, but I helped hold the pole so she didnt get dragged in. Took her about 15 min but she got it in. It was about a 15in cat. 5 min later, guess what. She got another one!! Daughter none. We were fishing about 6hrs and she got 2 cats, and a huge mess of bluegills. Let me tell ya, every fish she caught was like the first. Even though I got skunked, it was the 2nd best day of my life. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrisfish 0 Report post Posted February 16, 2007 Nice. Nothin like getting skunked by a daughter. thats a good day fishin! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steve P 0 Report post Posted February 16, 2007 Ok I have two, one fishing and, one hunting, one with my three year old boy, the other with my like minded wife. First the fishing. Last spring I took my son out in the canoe and I set us up on my favorite point for big gills and got him rigged up with bobber and worm, now mind you at this time he is a very young three just turned a couple months ago so every fish was the biggest fish ever seen by man and he was reeling them in at a good pace as was I on a green foam popper and my three weight. He all of a sudden cast way the hell over into a spot I had been casting to that I thought was beyond his ability and not wanting to rain on his parade but I had nearly fished that spot out I had cast there probably fifteen times and not even a swirl but I told him to watch his bobber. After just a second or two it started to bounce and I told him to set the hook and he got the thing with a motion that can only come from instinct, then proceeded on what he proclaimed to be the fight of a life time. I thought he was just being a kid and just coached him through like no big deal till this big ole gill made a swirl next to me in the boat and I nearly had to change my pants I grabbed my C&R ne and in one swoop I grabbed this massive fish and got him in the boat. When all was said and done we had the biggest bluegill I had ever seen at thirteen inches caught by the rookie of the year (might I add this qualifies for a master angler award in the state of MO, and I still haven't reached the master angler award for bluegill yet). The second was my wifes first turkey hunt. We were late getting up and running out the door to make it to the woods before the sun came up and I decided to make a change in the plan to hunt a spot closer to the house so we could get there before the birds flew down. Upon arrival I realized I picked the wrong ridge and should have gone with my gut but thought about it too much as usual and the birds flew down at closest three hundred yards away through thick timber, but we stuck it out and stayed put. Just as I was aboout to give up and move I heard something coming up the hill. Mushroom hunters? Other turkey hunters? Herd of rabid squirrels? Maybe turkeys? When suddenly I hear this whisper to my right say..... which one do I shoot???... I whisperd back the biggest one with a beard. Then I saw them... ONE... TWO... THREE... jakes staring us down at eight maybe ten yards and they had us made for sure so I said shoot now or they are going to be gone. Finally she fired after what seemed an eternity and ONE...TWO...TREE?..!!! jakes in the air I made a quick move and dropped one out of the air and yelled COME ON LETS GO GET THAT BIRD. Then proceeded down the hill after him. When my wife caught up I ask her how she could miss a bird so close, maybe I should have just had her hit it with the end of the gun barrel instead of shooting it. She proceeded to tell me her bird was dead at the top of the hill and she wanted to see it and didn't know why after all the turkeys I killed I had to retrieve my bird first. WHAT you missed all three of those birds I said. Yes she said but I shot the FOURTH one!!! BULLSHIT there were only three. No there were FOUR. Well I have to see this phantom turkey for myself. So I walked up the hill to prove her wrong and there lay the bird she had said would be there. It was no huge bird onlyabout thirteen pounds (mine was 3/4 a pound heavier) spirs were only half an inch (mine were a quarter longer) but it was a triple bearded turkey. Her first bird and it has three beards nice going Megs. Oh and by the way cause I know you will read this, I know you had the bird planted by some one I just haven't figured out how yet... one more bit of info in all the turkey I have shot I have yet to kill a multiple bearded bird.... Such is the life of a Dad, a Husband and a Friend, I would always rahter see them get the big fish the moster buck or the turkey of a life time..... Steve Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrisfish 0 Report post Posted February 17, 2007 That sounds like a long walk back to find her bird. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inconnu 0 Report post Posted February 18, 2007 I was out fishing along the banks of the Peace River with my Bouvier, Vesper. A quite large black dog for those who don't know the name. Anyway, I was fishing at this creek mouth coming into the main river and had to change flies. I had leaned my rod up on a small sapling and left my line laying out over some low rosebushes. I had just finished cinching up the knot on the fly, when Vesper came trotting through, following her nose. I realized at the last moment, what was going to happen but was too late to stop it. She ran into my line and as I grabbed the rod to try and get it out of her way, the line tightened and the hook dug into my hand. This was in the pre-barbless day and the hook was fairly set! I let out a yowl and then yelled at her to stop. She turned and looked, knew the tone of voice, saw me brandishing the rod and thought she was going to die! She increased her speed. I increased mine. I yelled louder, in pain and anger and she correctly responded by running faster. By now she is a blur and I am this cursing entity being towed along behind her. I was desperately trying to free my hand by breaking the tippet. Does anyone realize how hard it is to break 3lb. tippet when you really need to? I knew I was in trouble when she headed up a steep hill, but fortunately there was a small tree in the way and I was able to dodge to one side and use it to help break off the leader and perform a live release on the dog. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vices 0 Report post Posted February 19, 2007 I was fishing at a local spot, about 15 mins to drive from my place about 45 to walk.. I have been fishing this sport for years. Anyways i got dropped off there and proceed to kick azz, I was doing really well, working all the spots that produce and i noticed my favorite spot on the creek had a newly downed tree laying across it. So i kinna scoutted it out an decided i would fish Just ahead of the tree an cast into a nice lil pool. I had to slide down a hill, about 6 ft high an jump 2 ft to a small island.. whitch only shows when the waters low. I start casting and bang! hook into a nice lil brown trout while im trying to convince this fish that he's comming to the shore, I hear this rustling through the grass just at the hill i had to slide down. Happened to be the only way i was getting out of the spot, and the grass had over grow over the summer. I had no idea what was making this noise, sounded heavy, I notice then a path in the grass that the moving grass was following. Was it a fox, nahh to heavy footed, a dog, nahh to slow.. No idea what was gonna pop out at me. I landed the fish and by this point i was feeling really cornered, I was holding my rod and fish in one hand and had pulled my knife from my side. This "thing was coming straight from my way out, then i a big round head and two little beady eyes emerge from the tall grass.. Jesus, the biggest beaver i had ever seen in my life, he moved forward quickly and paused, he didnt see me till the last second.. " can this thing kill me"? I thought to myself, sure looked like he wanted to. By this time it was to late, if he was comming at me i was making hats.. suddenly he shot down the lil hill, hit the water i had to jump and made a quick 45*degree turn and headed for the downed tree. I tossed my fish back and moved back down the river. This probably sounds funny.. and it is haha .. but I'm just glad it was a beaver that popped out the grass and not something more damaging. :crutch: Coulda got hairy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrisfish 0 Report post Posted February 19, 2007 It sounds funny if you've not encounterd beavers alot but i agree they can spook ya sometimes! and they are alot bigger than people think. I'll bet that thing had you on your toes Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vices 0 Report post Posted February 19, 2007 It was one of the most nerve racking things I've been through.... Biggest beaver I have ever seen .. and he didnt mind running by me to much .. lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites