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thats it, I am sick of it, gimme spring

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Last night I was scraping the frozen ice and snow off the cover of my boston whaler, I froze my hands. Heck I am in Virginia, I feel sorry for the folks in NY state and other white out locations.


Back to the basement to tie some flies for smallies, lmb, stripers and blues.


so when is spring again?? :crying:



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I'm in NY, not in the worst part, we only got a foot or so yesterday, but to answer your question about when spring is, I heard on the news that they think spring will arrive sometime in 2008!



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I live near Lake Michigan and just yesterday on my way to work I had to stop and let some penguins cross the road. Of course they were in a hurry because a large polar bear was chasing them. I drove out to the lake to sit in my car and eat my lunch, yup...more penguins. Of course this time they were being chased around by the killer wales.

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I'm tired of winter, too. I'm in Toledo, and didn't go to the office yesterday cuz of the level 3 emergency, first time in several years.

Had to listen to my wife complain about shoveling snow. Heck, I bought her a new snow shovel last year! But felt sorry for her and let her use my gloves this time.

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My area of Vermont finally got our storm for the year 31 inches in a day and a half with 40 mile an hour winds. But I really feel sorry for the folks over by Lake Ontario, I grew up 20 miles from Buffalo and have done the lake effect snow bit but what they got is ridiculous and I hear on the news that another band of the stuff is getting ready to give them another foot plus.


I'd hate to see when spring comes over there.



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we've got a bit of snow here ourselves in Columbia,Mo. I hate the stuff now. I moved here 1 1/2yrs ago, and thought yipee snow! I HATE THE STUFF!!! Takes 45 min to warm up the truck. Ya slide all over the place. Schools close down so the teen rules the house then trashes it! I HATE THE STUFF!!! I want spring to get here. Nice clear streams, with huge rainbows! I'm sick of looking at my vise.

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when all of this snow melts It is going to be a mess. We have about 2 feet (compacted to 16 inches now) but in other spots they have 3 to 4 feet. I cant imagine what NY will look like when all of that water wants to return to the lake! our river are 2 weeks away for wadeable that thought is killing me. It ok to not fish when your to busy I can get over that but not be able to fish case the rivers are frozen and soon to be blown out sucks!!!

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