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Fly Tying
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Adam's From Week 3 Class

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This was my first Adams From the week 3 class

I know that my wings are extra long, and probably could be more upright.

So any opinions on what else i could improve on?



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Honestly, if that is your first Adams, you did a good job. The only thing that might improve the fly other than the wings might be a more uniform body (may just be the pic). The taper looks good, just try to keep everything even as you dub forward. The hackle looks good.


Great job and keep 'em coming!

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yeah. on the body, try wrappin on less dubbing and wrap it on tighter. the tail looks a lil down, try to make it even with the hook shank. you hackle looks a lil sloppy, i like the great volume of it though, just try to wrap it a lil neater. as for the wings, yes make them more upright, and they should extend just a little bit above the hackle. the fly in my avatar is a very well tied (in my opinion) adams that i tied. you can use that as a model if you wish.

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Not bad at all Kashew :headbang: On your tail it just looks like you tied it in a little too far back. Try tying in the tail and starting your abdomen just above the rear of the barb, maybe a thread wrap or two further back from a point directly above the rear point of the barb.


On the dubbing, remember to twist it on the right direction so it doesn't twist off as you wrap your thread, and do as dsaavedra mentioned and use a very small amount. You can always add more.


Your abdomen "vs" thorax proportions look about perfect though, just be careful though cause it looks like you might be on the verge of crowding the eye. You know what's wrong with the wings so no point going there. All in all though, like I said, great job. Keep that one to look at down the road, you'll be amazed at the progress you make! ;)

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