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Fly Tying
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are flies masculine or feminine? In conversation i tend to put masculine title on mine?



ex: HE is a nice one

HIS legs are a bit screwed up

this little GUY was my first attempt


how do you all refer to your flies? does it get more specific when you do insect imitations since some bugs actually are male or female?


just curious, and maybe a little bored

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Interesting....when it comes to buggers and ugly flies I'll usually tend to think of them as being masculine...but when I start wondering into the classic forum and speys/dees I see them being more feminine.... kinda like when a good looking woman catches your eye :dunno:

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I can honestly say I have called flies some terrible names, and some good ones, like "my little beauty", "way to go boy' " best friend"...............'You %$#$%$# peice of %$#^%", "Rotten *&*&*^%$ iddiot", "Low down yellow belly sap sucking horse theif", but mostly its....."just a fly I tied".

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I gotta a couple flies i just call @#%* or acouple flies i have affectionatly named @#$$#$^%&*(#$% head... the prettiest are shes.. the meanist looking are he's. I tend to use "the" when describing a fly in place of he or she though.. not often enough do i feel that the fly gives the impression of one sex or the other.

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Can you say shack nasties??? WHAT ARE WE DOING?? :dunno: Talking about the sex of our flies...You guys need to get OUT, NOW! By the way. It's gonna be 60 degrees in Denver today. I'm taking Sally, Woulff, Trina and Iggy out on the water for awhile. :yahoo: :hyst:

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My flies are neither he nor she. They're all it. The only exceptions are a few realistics that I was really proud of, and they were he, except the praying mantis was a she. Someday I'm gonna tie her a headless he

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WOW, too much time spent inside? :jumpy: A fly is a fly, regardless of its gender. OH now you 've got me wondering what sex my flies are :wallbash:.

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Lmao ... yeah, we've lost it .... Am i the only one that tags them with a lil bday?.. :hyst: :hyst: hahaha

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Fl;ies are Masculine and Femine.


A fellow's wife walked into the kitchen and saw her husband sitting in a chair with the fly swatterin his hand.


"Did you get any, dear?" she asked.


"Yup", he said, " Three males and 2 females"


"How could you tell ?" she asked.


Two were on the telephone and the rest were on a beer bottle.



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The Merrimac is frozen upriver and the water temp is 38. And you guys are talking about a fly's gender.

Wow cabin fever is getting bad in the midwest.

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:hyst: :hyst: :hyst: :hyst: SO then this begs the question, If it's a he fly, are you using rooster feathers? Conversley for a female fly, are you using hen feathers? Where does this insanity end???

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