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Fly Tying

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I have yet to see a real looking tyed snake.. so thats your challenge just an, anykind of baby snake.. does not have to be completely to "scale" haha.. sorry about that .. Anyways good luck to any who try the tye.. :cheers:

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Wow, Steve that's gonna be hard to beat. :hyst:


Seriously though, I like when people post thier mistakes as well as thier successes. That is what really helps us all to learn.


Other Steve

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I agree with flyfishingwright, sharing mistakes helps us to learn.


I have bags of parrot feathers my parents keep sending me, big and small feathers, mostly light green, and a snake might be a good way to use up some of them, lots of scales on a snake. Now I'm wondering what to use for the underbody? Stiff and bendable like wire, fixed into shape, or something that remains easy flexible and wiggleable... I really liked Steves idea to have a rattle on the end of the tail.

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I've got a ratlesnake planned out, only in my head though. I wanna tie one actual size, probably around 6' long, coiled up ready to strike. I've got the whole thing thought out, just no time to tie it. :ripped: Someday.

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