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Regal vise

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I got my new Regal vise on Thursday. I went with the Midge Jaws because I rarely tie anything smaller than a 8 or 6. Man am I excited about this guy! :headbang: Anyone else have one?

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I went with the Midge Jaws because I rarely tie anything smaller than a 8 or 6.



am i missin something or did you mean anything bigger than 8 or 6??? :huh:

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Nope not missing anything. I guess I should have explained. With this vise, the midge jaws go from 6 to 32. The regular size jaws go from 3/0 to 18. Strange I suppose but like I said, I rarely tie anything smaller than 6 due to the size of the fish around here. No need.

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I must say that I still don't understand why a person would want midge jaws if he is tying no smaller than a size 6 or 8. Midge jaws would seem best for flies smaller than 14 actually.

How about clarifying??

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I got my regal vise about 6 months ago. I do not know how I made it without one. My old vise was the cheap clamp type. I literally used it until the metal pin and treads were worn out and it could no longer gold a fly. The regal vise is fast and holds the hooks very well. I have the midge jaws and have tied flies ranging from size 22 - 3/0. I tie mostly small flies <14 but I am glad it can handle larger hooks when necessary. I do not think you will be dissapointed in it.




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I'd still be using my 26-year-old Regal if I hadn't started tying Atlantic salmon flies on hooks larger than 3/0. I switched to Dyna-King to handle the bigger hooks, but I still occasionally use the Regal for tying trout flies or classic wet flies.



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