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Being a beginner I am slowly adding to my supplies and the myriad of matierials out there is amazing. What is obvious right away is the large assortment of synthetic tying materials. Whats the thaughts on body materials and the use of synthetics as opposed to the traditional furs. Been doing mostly boogers and leech's to begin with and have a few different types of chennile's, but will need some tips on other body materials commonly used.





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I like to use all types of dubbing. Natural and synthetic, some a mixture of both.


I find myself using natural materials more for trout flies along with the natural and synthetic mixes.


Salmon and steelhead don't seem quite as picky, although they can be at times.


I like to experiment with synthetics when fishing for them, but natural can save the day.



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I personally use a mix of both, With some synthetics I get a lustre or sheen that compliments the naturals that I use, the synthetics tend to be more durable as well . naturall hair dubbing can be frustrating to use at times ie. seal fur But, so can some of the synthetics.


For Buggers I will use either Chenille for the body and a palmered hackle, or Estaz leech lace with no hackle. My fishing bud uses Mike's Mohair yarn which is great for a leechy look and doesn't use a palmered hackle on the fly either. It depends on what you want to match , Sculpins , leech's, Hellgramites etc.

As for tails I still use Marabou for the tails for Buggers that I use for trout, panfish, and bass, for Salmon and Steelhead I use Icelandic sheep hair


So, what I suggest is find out what works or doesn't work for you and build on that.


Fly Tying is an art and these things are your media have fun with it and sore more lots of Bright fish.


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Well, I use a mixture of both. But, I prefer actual Seal fur for my dubbed bodies. The original sparkle dubbing. But, there are alot of great synthetics out there. All good points already given. If you find something that works for you, use it.

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