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latest pike fly

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Here is my latest Pike Fly I made for a guy at work.

I used a #2 treble for the trailing hook this time , with the same #2 salt water for the front. Hope it you guys like , and hope the pitcures help with the idea of how I put one together. I have to say though I'm still Very Slow with them. It took about a couple hours a night for two days, mostly for the set up and visualizing how to tie it up. Enjoy :) B) steve


Insert flashabou throu tube with mono filment for attaching rear hook to front


Attach tube and flash then tie in and epoxy the finished tail sections wraps


And for attaching the rear hook to the front i just "push" the eye of the hook through the "belly" of the tubing so the hook is inside the tube. You 'll may have to wiggle alittle remember you have the flash and monofiliment from rear throu tube also. And were the hook stick out alittle past the end of the tube. Then comes making the head after tie in the rear to front I use super glue in that step to help hold ever thing to the hook.post-7270-1176763912_thumb.jpgpost-7270-1176763938_thumb.jpg

And the finished fly. post-7270-1176763969_thumb.jpg

Hope you guys got the idea. B) steve


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I like it. I may have to tie one up for Canada, just need to see what type of tubing I have lying around. Make sure you have a pair of forceps with you to remove the hook. Being barbless will make it easier. Not only do you need to be careful with the teeth, the gill plates can give you a nasty cut if you're not careful.

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Nice looking fly. Without putting down you work, my only problem is the treble hook. If a pike takes that deep, it's done for. Have you tried it with a single hook? Sorry just my opinion, to each their own.

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Nice looking fly. Without putting down you work, my only problem is the treble hook. If a pike takes that deep, it's done for. Have you tried it with a single hook? Sorry just my opinion, to each their own.



Agreed. I think you'll just as many hook ups with a single hook trailer, and many fewer issues to consider than with the treble.




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