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help on how to for tubes

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Does any one have any suggestions for a good book on how to tie tubes ? I have the Hairwing and Tube flies for Salmon and Steelhead book, nice patterns but little vage on technic . Aspecialy on the Temple Dog style . Thanks. B) steve

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I am not aware of any books that describe the technique for making modern scandinavian tube flies: Online I have seen this good article which I hope will be helpfull:




I am in Salt Lake city every other year in september so I will be there september 2008, then you can get a private tutorial :)




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Hi Steve


Mikael Frödin made a DVD for Guideline about Tube fly tying. You should try to get your hands on this DVD, shows how to tye temple dog and other hairwing tubes.


http://guidelineflyfish.com/ - look for DVD Dont know if this DVD has english text...


Good luck...


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There is a new book on Tube Flies that was published last month. I have not seen this book yet, but plan to purchase it in the future. I have the earlier version of the book and it has a lot of useful information on how to tye tube flies. The information on the new book is listed below.


"Tube Flies Two: Evolution", by by Mark Mandell (Author), Robert E. Kenly (Author)

Paperback: 179 pages (Paperback Edition sells for $26.60 USD on Amazon/Hardcover Edition is $50 USD)

Publisher: Frank Amato Publications (March 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1571884017

ISBN-13: 978-1571884015




Other books I found useful include the one you listed above (for patterns and possibilities) and the book published by Ken Sawada (gorgeous photos of step-by-step tying but expensive).

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Thanks guys for the sugggestions. :)



Just a quick question,

What would be the general sizes of ( length ) tube to use?



Scan. Tyer thanks for invite :)

B) steve

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The tube flies I tye tend to fall somewheres in the 1" (25.4 mm) to 2" (50.8 mm) size range. The size depends on the style of fly I'm tying and the pattern. If I am tying on metal tubes I really like the 1/8" diameter copper x 1" long. They have enough weight to get the fly down quickly without being too heavy to cast on a 6 to 8 wt fly rod. I just experiment with a pattern and write down the dimensions when I start a pattern. When the fly is finished I ask myself if I'm happy with the proportions of the fly and adjust the next one accordingly.


Do you have any plastic tubes to practice with? If not, Q-tips with plastic stems make great practice materials.

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I just recieved my HMH Tube kit from J Stockards. I thought I would start with that to try out . Plus I,ve been looking throu my Salmon & Steel head book making a "grocery" list. B) steve

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