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Fly Tying
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Basic Materials

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Ok I have tied a few flys with Materials I found around my house and it didnt work out too well... I just started a little while ago. have everything I need to make them except the right Materials. There are no fly shops around me, and the best i could get at the stores around me will maybe be some foam strips and some feathers ( not very good ones )


But maybe I'm overlooking some place, does anyone here know of a common store that has some Materials I could use? I really don't want to have to order them online but I will if I have to. I have some Fly tying books too and know I can tie the flies, just can't find the stuff I need.



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You can always do the internet shopping too. J Stockard's is good from what guys on the forum have said or you could try Feather-Craft, Cabelas or Hook and Hackle just to name a few of the many shops.




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You can find a lot of useful materials at WalMart, JoAnne Fabrics, Michael's Craft Stores. I've gotten tons of great body materials (foam, yarn, chenille, craft paints) at these stores at lower prices than you would pay at some of the fly shops. I have found the feathers from these stores, however tend to be poor quality for fly tying (they look nice in the package, but have seldom been useful when I started tying with them).


There was a post in this site a while back that listed a bunch of items that can be purchased at craft stores (sorry I can not remember the name of the posting).


You are probably stuck ordering items like hooks, metal beads, and hackle on-line.

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ive had prety good luck on ebay, as a matter of fact i just won an auction for 20 spools of thread that would normally cost 50 dollars, check it out.

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