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Fly Tying


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thanks panflyfisher! ill definitley try that. and yes these fish are getting way smart. theyve learned where we fish, what we fish, and how we fish. theyve even moved to the other half of the pond where we cant access yet (till we clear the path)

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If ya want those gills, use a size 22 Griffiths Gnat, I promise it will work for ya ;)




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Something that has worked well for me this Spring is a GRHE nymph. You can tie them any size you want. In dark, stained, or even black water the gold brass bead ought to reflect light underwater. You can even add a little flash in the tail if you want to add more attraction. I would also use gold tinsel as the ribbing (most of the time I only use gold wire); again, it would throw off some flash. I've been catching some nice gills on sizes 10 and 12.


Another good nymph might be a Pheasant tail -- if you had some chartreuse dubbing or chartreuse peacock herl that might do the trick. Copper bead head will also throw off some flash.


Good luck.

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I've seen situations when the bluegill didn't want to come to the top,

so you have to take your game sub-surface.


What always works for me is the classic wooly worm (yellow chennile body,

red floss tail and grizzly palmered hackle). Size 12 or 14 will do it.


Put just a couple of turns of lead on the fly to get it to sink, or pinch onto

the tippet one of those tiny fly fishing split shots.


Cast out and when the fly has sunk, retrieve using the 'figure of eight' (basically

all that is is slowly gathering the line in your left hand). Don't retrieve fast,

just make the fly move - they will hit it. A strike indicator is handy for this

kind of fishing.


The trick is the movement will bring the gill to the fly - they have to find the bread

which will take them longer.


My son and I completely thrashed a family of bait and bread fishers using this

technique - you have to believe that YOU will smoke your buddy - go in there

with confidence !





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many thanks guys! i will definitley try some sort of tiny dry fly (skeeter or gnat) and i will do some sub surface stuff too!

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if the water is black try using a colorful foam spider like a bright red or orange maybe even a ranbow color. try to do that and tell me if if it works. GOOD LUCK!

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i went down there with an orange, chartruse, and pink foam spider adn got absolutely no hits, not even one fish LOOKED at it. then i tried some bread on a tiny trebel hook and caught one fish. the fish wouldnt even eat the bread if i threw it out there with no hook! i just think that pond has died and gone to hell :cursing: :devil:

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yea,they are smart now dave,you have been fishing them a lot so know they are only gonna key on BUGS THAT LIVE IN OR AROUND THE POND.If you fish the same presentation over and over,they soon learn to ignore it,and you have been putting fishing pressure on the fish by constantly fishing the same thing (like using bread or dough).You should find some rock bass and stock them in that pond,they are aggressive and you dont have to worry about the fish turning off for a while

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the foam spider usally works good but maybe you just need to restock the fish. i have a pond in my backyard similar to yours and i catch fish from rivers and lakes and put them in a 5 gallon bucket. then i just transport them to my pond. this is way better than buying fish from hatcheries because the ones you catch yoursself are usally bigger. i put a least 50 blugill and bass in my pond today after a fishing trip. now theres about 10 4 pound small and large mouth. not to mention the blugill were you cant even hold them there so big.so tell me if you had sucess. :yahoo:

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Hi guys. I just went fishing the other day with a friend at his brothers place. We caught some fish, but my flies won over thier bait :yahoo: . Try a foam gurgler, ants, ehc/dhc, wooleys, and some frogs. Look at whats around. if it's as murky as you say, try n tie some leeches. perhaps a frog. We tie to match the hatch, so try and match whats in that pond. But i know you'll catch something. Good luck, and tight lines.

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maybe you shoud put some bass in there to even out the food chain. soon if the blugills are over populated food will be scarce and the fish will eventully die off. the bass will help with that, or maybe some catfish or walleye. this will even the population and that will make a big difference. plus it will be fun to fight a bass in there.

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i really want to and plan on putting bass in it, but i havent had the chance to yet. tomorrow i am most likely gonna get some more gills to put in there.

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