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Al Beatty

Lense compatibility

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Hi Guys,


I've yet to upgrade to a digital SLR but am getting pushed into a corner by a couple of my editors wanting more than my cameras will provide. Usually I fall back on my Minolta X700 film camera and shoot slides when I need better resolution. That won't happen much longer.


Question: Is there a digital SLR that I can use my Minolta X700 lenses on or do I have to go all new? Your answers would be appreciated.


Also, what is your recommendation regarding picture stabilization - in the camera? In the lense? What is the difference IF you have the stabilization? Thanks in advance for your thoughts. Take care & ...


Tight Lines - Al Beatty


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Hi Al,


Here's a link to a discussion about minolta product compatability.




It would be great if your minolta lenses fit the new Sony cameras. Sony makes the image sensor in my Nikon D200 and the new Sony cameras appear to be fantastic. I only have one lens with VR image stablization, the 70-200, and it really does allow one to hand hold at slower shutter speeds without blurry photos. I think having this capability built into the camera sounds like a great idea. But there should probably be a button to turn if off if desired, such as when using a tripod.




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I doubt if you'll find a DSLR that takes old MD lenses.


The Sony cameras only have backward compatibility with Dynax/Maxxuum AF lenses.


I'd suggest it might be an opportunity to switch brand loyalty!


I'm stuck with Sony as I had quite a lot of good Minolta AF glass before going digital - sure it seems like it might look promising ( especially with some of the Zeiss glass, image stabilization etc.), but they do seem to be struggling to keep up with the other big brands in terms of getting new "product" on the shelves.






(hello , by the way)

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Hi .D.


Welcome to the Forum!






Thanks, Graham :)





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My experience, which is quite limited on this point, is with Nikon VR in a lens I borrowed for a fishing trip. I was pleased with the outcome and, as Graham noted, it real does make a difference in hand-held situations with limited light or a moving target (wildlife, grand children, birds).

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