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Fly Tying
Al Beatty

Macro Question

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The nice thing about longer macro lenses is the narrower field of view. As the 50-60mm lenses encompass a wider angle you are more likely to end up with distracting peripheral elements creeping into the background (at a given magnification of your subject).


Hence a 105mm lens is a more versatile lens. The working distance already mentioned also helps. A lot :)






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Reviving an old thread to ask a new question. The information the first time around was great!


How does the 105mm Nikon macro lens behave with extension tubes? How much DOF is lost with an 8mm or 14mm extension tube? Is there a formula to calculate minimum focus distance based on total extension?


I have space restrictions and do not want to use a tripod off the bench (more variables to control). I use a 60mm macro lens now, but occasional run into problems trying to light a fly with the lens so close to the subject to get 1:1. Also wondered if I could get just a bit more magnification with a short extension tube on the 105mm.



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