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Hey Will,

I can't get logged into the sister sites.....A couple days ago, I couldn't get logged into FTF either....I did the password reset and can now access FTF, but not the other two sites......I tried doing the password reset on TFF and it kicked me back to FTF..... :dunno: I do access the sites from 2 different computers, would that be causing the problem?



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Have you changed your password or email address recently? Keep in mind that if you updated your password on FTF the other two sites are still using the old password.

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my e-mail hasn't changed, I did the password recovery on FTF because I couldn't get in.....I thought that it automatically reset for all 3 sites. I will try to change it on the other 2....thanx!



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:dunno: I don't know what I'm doing wrong.......I went to TFF and tried to log in.....nothing......tried password recovery and it kicked me to a screen wanting me to register......which I can't do because of course my username is already taken......I think in my original post I said that I did the password re-set......that ws incorrect, what I did was the password recovery which of course had me change my password. I hope that makes sense.



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