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Saltwater fly

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Guys, i was tyin' at the FFF Southern Council Conclave back in Oct., and some guy had asked me to make him a certain fly and to do bout a half dozen for him.....and then he gives me a neck to use and says, "make the wing outta this." Well, i don't see him until the next day almost at the end of the show and he walks up and says, "where's my flies?" Well, i had already tyed him up the half dozen, but while i was doin' that, another guy comes up and says, "can i video you for You Tube?" So i said "ok, why not." This fly just popped into my head and i really wasn't thinking it through completely cause the wing is gonna ride down below the hook as the fly will turn upside down in the water..........but then i thought, maybe that'll be cool.....it might make it look injured/wounded to the fish or something..... :dunno: ..... i love tyin' salt water flies for fun and profit. They are bout the only flies i've ever really sold to any extent at all. Mostly Clouser's. I'm not a commercial tyer other than to take an order here and there from a friend or my dentist. But saltwater flies are really fun i think. Unfortunately i haven't had many chances to fish them. I'll be tyin' at the FFF Florida Council Conclave at the end of March next year and i hope to get to do some salt water fishin' then. My main thing is Steelhead and Salmon flies.....but i'm just curious as to what ya'll might think bout this flie's chances of success as a fishin' fly. (?????).....prolly shoulda tyed the wing in on the opposite side of the eyes.....but i'm real curious to see if it'll catch fish the way it is. Whataya think? ..... go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlhKR8zA8Wc and take a look..... Tkx. mark..... ;) p.s. you may have to cut and paste the url to get it to work.....or just go to You tube and find it.

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I'll take a look at that when I'm not at work and can actually access YouTube.


You don't have to live near the salt to use saltwater flies though. Take a saltwater fly and start pounding the White River with it. Chances are you'll run into trout that'll scare the begezzes outta you. Not only in size, but surprise too. A giant trout flying out of nowhere and visciously hammering a streamer is one of the coolest things in fishing (far cooler than fishing dries IMO). My favorites are scaled down versions in the 3" range, give or take, but you don't have to scale down if you want a monster.


There's a guy who fishes Cumerland River for Trout in Kentucky. He uses 8"-10" streamers (sparsely tied) and big-ass deceivers when he wants to wrangle with a true hawg of a Brown. He also has a line-class record Striper to his credit (Gerry McDaniels is the guy's name).


Check this out:


IPB Image


Think this guy's gonna get the bulk of his nutrition and meals off of BWO's and Midges? :D

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Hey dafacko1.....i figgered that's a o not an 0.....facko, like wacko..... :P correct me if wrong. :D i can take it. :lol: :lol: from one fishin' fool to another........ :D thankx for the imput. i too am a huge fan of streamer fishin'........so much so, i'd just as soon do that as dry fly fish. although i love that as well.......i plan on doin' some WAY SERIOUS streamer fishin' on the WHITE! thing is, you really need a boat there for the besty streamewr fishin', but there are places where you can wade and get a good swing. better have at least a 6 wt. too. :bugeyes: that river is HOG Heaven. There's a tyin' club that meets on Thurs. nights at my house, (Swallows Next Fly Tyers) if you wanna join us, lemme know. Starting up sometime after the first of the year. PM. mark..... B) btw, i also agree that fishin' for any particular species of fish does NOT mean you are restricted to just those kinna flies......MIX and Match is way more fun. Whatever works! :headbang:

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I just tried the YouTube link and it said it didn't exist. :dunno:


I've never actually fished the White (though it's on the list). I'm also in Georgia or I'd love to join. Thanks for the offer though! I've been a jerkbait and streamer fishing junkie on Cumberland River in Kentucky, and I know from my experiences and the experiences of many people who know a lot more about fishing than I do that big Trout need big meals, no matter where they live.


I'd never go trout fishing without some streamers. It's my favorite form of fishing. :D


Speaking of which, I've got a few more flies to tie tonight. I'm going fishing tomorrow and I have some Sheepshead and Redfish that need their lips pierced. :headbang:

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Hey there Willowhead,


I couldn't get the video to work either by clicking on it or by cutting and pasting. I'd like to see it. Got any other ideas?


I'm not so sure if I believe the 'big bait for big fish' camp. I've caught too many big-ish fish on really small stuff. It could be that a big fish can't resist a nibble if it's on his/her nose. I do believe that under certain circumstances big bait (generic term) catches big fish where small bait won't. An example would be when fishing for the Giant Snakehead Fish. This guy gets HUGE and it's aggressive beyond belief at times.


When they have young, the young will often form a school (ball) of fry. The parents stay below when the school is near the surface. If you crank a small fly or lure through the fry, the parents will often ignore it. However, if you pull something that's large enough to be a threat, the parents will hit your fly/lure as hard as any fish can. Now, this isn't a feeding situation, so it might not be as valid as I may wish.


Note: I release all snakehead fish if I've caught them while they were parenting.


I sure you guys have too, but I've caught fish that were half of the size of the bait/lure, etc. 'splain that one.




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Hey there Willowhead,


I couldn't get the video to work either by clicking on it or by cutting and pasting. I'd like to see it. Got any other ideas?


I'm not so sure if I believe the 'big bait for big fish' camp. I've caught too many big-ish fish on really small stuff. It could be that a big fish can't resist a nibble if it's on his/her nose. I do believe that under certain circumstances big bait (generic term) catches big fish where small bait won't. An example would be when fishing for the Giant Snakehead Fish. This guy gets HUGE and it's aggressive beyond belief at times.


When they have young, the young will often form a school (ball) of fry. The parents stay below when the school is near the surface. If you crank a small fly or lure through the fry, the parents will often ignore it. However, if you pull something that's large enough to be a threat, the parents will hit your fly/lure as hard as any fish can. Now, this isn't a feeding situation, so it might not be as valid as I may wish.


Note: I release all snakehead fish if I've caught them while they were parenting.


I sure you guys have too, but I've caught fish that were half of the size of the bait/lure, etc. 'splain that one.






I'm not saying that the only way to catch big fish is to use small flies and lures (I too have caught big fish on small lures), but I do feel that the guys/gals out there consistently catching the hawgs are using meal-sized offerings. I'm not talking about 12" flies either, just nice sized offerings (for trout, for example, the 2"-4" range).

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