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Fly Tying


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I figured it out, I just loose a lot more flys because I am a terrible at nymphing:) Thanks for the debate and I hope no one got pissed or took it too seriously. Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.


The Don


ps: Maybe I am too old, my avitar is the USS Indianapolis. I was not on it but had a little to do with the end result of it's cargo. Now that was some pollution.

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2) no one here is advocating throwing the bag in the water and leaving it there on purpose.....



uh...actually, i am advocating that! :devil:


I just have to ask? Will anyone be saving the tinsel from the Christmas tree this year to tie onto flies? If so, was that tree a fake, or real tree? because, we all know that you can never remove all the tinsel from the tree you killed before you send it out to the dump!



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This I have resisted getting into this post because it just seemed argumentative, no offense, but the posting was a little harsh. I do not feel bad fishing synthetics since every time I fish at my favorite creek, which I call my church, I come back home with a vest full of others trash.


Beer cans, fishing line, soft plastics, plastic ducks (Yes the ones you see at a carnival with the number on the bottom), golf balls. Unfortunately, there is something entering the water that I can do nothing about and that is fertilizer from that golf course that also supplies all the golf balls. Now every year this clean, clear stream becomes an alge/weed clogged mess.


It makes me upset, because it is my church and I don't go into other peoples church and screw it up and call it recreation. I think pollution is a very valid point to get worked up about, but I tend to think about low hanging fruit first.

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