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Fly Tying

Colorado Flies

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I've been asked to tie some flies for a guy who lives in Colorado and fly fishes for trout.....they are to be a gift, but I have no idea where in colorado or what flies he uses.....anyone care to make some pattern suggestions???.......sorry for the vagueness....but it's all the info I got to work with for now

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Stimulator (CO State Fly)



Barr's Emerger & Micro Emerger


Parachute Adams

Micro Mays

Jujube Midge

Zebra Midge

Johnny Flash

Psycho Prince

Czech Nymph

Rainbow Warrior...


...not to mention all the BH and FB standbys, Copper Johns, etc....at any rate, these come to mind when I think of a Colorado standard box.

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Hey Vern-O,

KC has a great list, especially if the guy your're tying for fishes larger rivers like the Gunnison or the San Juan. I know that you don't know where he's at, so I would add in some stonefly nymphs and some caddis drys and nymphs for fishing small streams in the summer. That's all I can think to add, about everything works somewhere in this fine state...


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Hi Vern-O,


When Gretchen and I lived in western Colorado the locals fished (quite succesfully) with a Reed's Gunnison Coachman:


Hook: Dry fly #10 to #16

Thread: Black

Tail: Golden pheasant crest, as long as the hook with the natural curve DOWN

Rib: Copper wire or oval tinsel

Body: Peacock herl

Wing: Calf tail

Hackle: Brown - some anglers fished it wet and used hen hackle and others fished it dry and used dry fly hackle.


Tight Lines - Al Beatty


Flyfisher magazine

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The locals told us it was important that the tail was long and cuvrved down. We found the fly was very productive on the Gunnison River; we don't know why, it just was good. It works for us here in Idaho but not with the same success rate as it did on the Gunnison in CO.


Tight Lines - Al Beatty


Flyfisher magazine

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Al, am I in the ballpark with these two? (the dry wings are split into a "V")......the wing on the wet is a little thin....but in general does it look like the Reeds Gunnison?




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The second fly is closes. I forgot to mention the wing was Trude style rather than divided & up. Also Vern, the tail was golden pheasant crest not tippets and it was longer and the natural curve was down.


Tight Lines - Al Beatty


Flyfisher magazine

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These guys all are Colorado tiers...


AK Best

Charley Craven flybox great tutorials

Rick Takahashi (featured "Go2Flies" in FFman mag a few issues back)

John Barr/Copper Johns, etc/see charliesflybox for tutorials

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For dry fly fishing the following are excellent in Colorado (and most other places as well):


Blue Winged Olive Dun Quill Body #16 - 24

Blue Winged Emerger Quill Body #16 - 24

BWO Dun Quill Parachute #16 - 24

BWO Dun Quill Spinner #16 - 24

Frying Pan Pale Morning Dun #16 - 22

Frying Pan Pale Morning Dun Parachute #16 - 22

Frying Pan Pale Morning Dun Spinner #16 - 22

Pale Morning Dun Barr Emerger #16 - 20

Red Quill Dun #12 - 20

Red Quill Parachute #12 - 16

Red Quill Spinner #14 - 20

Royal Wulff #12 - 20

Royal Wulff Parachute #14 - 16

Frying Pan Green Drake #12

Frying Pan Biot Drake #12

Biot Green Drake Parachute #12

Brown Drake Emerger #10

Brown Drake #10

Brown Drake Spinner #10

St Vrain Caddis #12 - 20

St Vrain Caddis Dark #12 - 20

Elk Hair Caddis #12 - 20

Elk Hair Caddis Light #12 - 20

Dave's Hopper #6 - 10

Black Foam Beetle #8 - 12

Black Foam Ant #12 - 16

Red Foam Ant #12 - 16


This should get you through most dry situations in Colorado.

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