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Fly Tying

Source for wool yarn ?

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Does anyone have a good source for natural wool yarn? I like to tie classic winged wet fly patterns and prefer to use natural materials. Most fly shops seem to have nothing but synthetics, and if you ask for natural wool they look at you like you have three heads. I have a few sources for some of the more common colors, but when I need something like rusty orange or pale yellow, it's always a challenge to find some. Of course you could always go to a yarn store, but the quantities needed for fly tying are miniscule compared to what they sell there.

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You could also use alpaca wool yarn. Go to www.studioeoutdoors.com and check it out. Not sure what colors they have but it is really nice stuff.

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The yarn shop up the street from me gives me snippings and I have the wool I can use of many kinds. The snippings are left over from knitting meetings and the lady at the shop saves them for me. Might work for you. A

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Thanks for the replies. Actually, my wife is a big-time knitter and I could get yarn from her, except the stuff she uses would scare the trout. :hyst: I was sort of hoping that someone would suggest a fly tying catalog or web site that sells wool yarn in quantities convenient to fly tiers. I know of a couple but they only have a few colors.


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