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Fly Tying

My First Day5 Spider Grub

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I got the hook from Twofingerz, and got the nerve to try the spider grub!


I didn't have everything but I still made it work pretty good with what I had. I tied it all up, showed it (still on the vise) to my wife, then noticed I forgot to tie in the weed guard at the front. So, I had to tie that in after the legs were on. Plus, my rubber legs weren't attached to each other so I had a harder time getting a uniform look to them.


Overall, I like it!



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Whooo Hoooo Now pray for global warming so we can go bass fishin!!!

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no fair you got to tie one before me..LOL

work and laundry kept me away from the vice today

hope totry a couple during the week after i watch the vid.


nice job on that..looking good

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Two, Instead of tying it yesterday, I ALMOST just sent you the video link and told you to tie one. I didn't think I had the right material. In the end, I had enough to get the job done.


I was missing the cross cut rabbit strip. But, as seen in the original spider grub post, there is an outstanding question to Day5 on why he uses both the dubbing loop and the cross cut. In about 30 minutes he'll be on the site and hopefully answer.


Global warming Matt? Is that what happens when Al Gore flies? whatever causes it, i'm sure glad not to have to shovel at 3am every day!


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Sorry It took me an hour. I slept in! If you wrap the fly with zonker from hook bend to the hook eye it is to heavy to cast with a 6 wt. I do most of my bass fishin with my 6. So by removing half of the skin it cuts down on some weight. The skin soaks up water like a sponge. Also if you spread out the fur a bit you can save on some zonker.


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You slept in!!! SLACKER!!! actually, I'm a slacker too. I've been sleeping in till 3:20am instead of 3am.


Thanks for the explanation. That makes perfect sense, now. I wondered why you did it 2 ways. Cutting the weight for casting makes perfect sense. Having clipped the zonker without the magic tool, i can see how the magic tool could come in handy. I'm going to keep my eyes open at work to see if i find any of those on the ground. it's unlikely since i don't work in a fly shop, but hey, you never know!

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