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Fly Tying

How To Braided Loops

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Here's a tutorial on how to make your own braided loops. I have been making and using braided loops for many years fishing for many different species of fish in saltwater and never had 1 of these ever fail on me.


Things you need:


1. Gudebrod Braided Butt Leader

2. Guitar string

3. Surgical tubing

4. Insta-Cure(similar to crazy glue)

5. Scissors


Here's the step by step.


Insert guitar string into the braid approximately 2-3 inches



Place end of braid into the middle of the guitar string



Pull guitar string along with the end of the braid back through itself



Apply a drop or 2 of insta-cure



Cut a small piece of clear surgical tubing (don't use heat shrink tubing) and place it over the guitar string



Place end of braided loop inside the guitar string loop



Pull braid through the tubing



Start inserting your fly line into the braid



Clip the frayed ends of the braid



Pull the tubing down to where the braid ends on the fly line



Apply a drop of Insta-cure on each end of the tubing



There you have it; these loops will last for a full year's worth of fishing. Again I never had 1 fail on me doing it this way, I replace them once a year. I will be putting up a video on Youtube sometime soon and will post the link here.



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Very nice!


What a great first post. You show up and give a great step by step with photos!


as Two said, welcome to the board!

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Great post...




One question..




Where can a foreigner like me buy this stuff online? :dunno:




Thanks again for great post...



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Thank you all for the warm welcome!!! :D I have been lurking on this site for quite some time, reading a lot of very good informative posts and finally decided to share what I know with all of you.


Where can a foreigner like me buy this stuff online? :dunno:


Here's some links for Gudebrod Braided Butt Leader, I hope you will be able to order it from them.






The Insta-Cure




You can pick up the tubing at most surgical supply stores. Its better that you actually see what you're getting you want very small diameter tubing that's flexible.


:headbang: Thanks for sharring, looking forward to the video.


I still need to edit and upload it to Youtube, I will post the link here when it's finished.

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Nice post, very clear photos. Thanks.


One question, why not use shrink wrap tubing? Just curious.


- Olórin


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Nice post, very clear photos. Thanks.


One question, why not use shrink wrap tubing? Just curious.


- Olórin


Heat shrink tubing will eventually crack and come apart especially when used in saltwater you won't have that problem when using surgical tubing. I have used this system for many years, I change my loops on all my fly lines once per year after fishing 3-5 times per week from April through December in saltwater.

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