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Fly Tying

coyote fur

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Checkout Mike Hogue's eflytyer.com: http://www.eflytyer.com/index.html (then click on order info for furs andd tails)


I love his artic fox tails and mask... especially in pink!


I used to love to buy Mike's stuff when he'd come down to Southern Council Conclaves. He always had (and still does have) the neatest - most unusal tying materials.


Besides, Mike's a good guy!

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Check out a couple places:


Ebay...(there are always some on there)


www.trapperman.com (post in the "trap shed" and ask for garment tanned coyote) (probably 75$ for a whole one)


www.taxidermy.net (there are plenty that aren't tanned on there, but most sellers are taxidermists as well and can tan it for you for an additional price. Looking at 50$ or so for a green (not tanned) one)


Hope this helps. I'm going to be mounting one soon but there will be no scraps. It's a lifesize mount.

hope this helps.



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