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Fly Tying

( LAST CALL) Landlocked Salmon/Steelhead "Go-To Flies" Swap

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I'm in.....

But I can't think of the proper name of my fly! I'll have to go to the pattern book and look it up and get back to you.


It will be for Southcentral Alaska.



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Our first set of flies arrived yesterday: MAWitter's black stone fly nymph/superior x legs hybrid. Nice flies, Matt!


Moushka: Welcome to the swap!


We're only at 6 swappers at this point (it appears that my initial focus on landlocked salmon flies was too geographically limiting for most folks), and I'd like to pull in another 6, if possible. Please feel free to recruit other participants. Whatever number we end up with, let's tie 12 flies each as planned -- if there are any extras, I'll distribute them among the group.



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Hi, my name is Addie, I am billb's daughter. I am doing my 3rd fly swap, my first one was a kid swap that I did last year (2007), then I did my second swap with my dad, but now I am actually doing a pattern from a book, the fly I am tying is called Black Ghost. My dad says that they work great in GRAND LAKE STREAM!!!



Addie (12 years old)

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Sorry! I forgot to send the update on the name of my fly. It's a Marabou Darter variation. I'm using Partridge #10 Redditch Bend 1 X long hooks.


I should have them done by next week and ready to ship.



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you should change the name of title and put in need people or something


Hi, Matt:


Already have changed the title to add steelhead flies, and the change has to be done by a forum administrator. Will give them a yell to see if they'll add "Last Call" to the title.


Thanks for your enthusiasm!



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Flies are off in the mail as of this morning...





Thanks, Tom. Will keep an eye out for them.



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Go-To Fly Tyers:


tdeyette's Estaz Comets arrived yesterday. I like 'em. Thanks for the extra goodies for the swapmeister, Tom!



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I'm in i will b tieing a wolly bugger still deciding on what color im goin to make yet i use a whole bunch of difference on the manstee river Michigan i am a fairly new tier and don't know to many patterns yet

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Moushka's Marabou Darter variations arrived yesterday. Nice!


Mine are done, and daughter Addie is diligently cranking out her dozen.



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